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Bella's PoV

"Come on tell me about her?" I asked Xavier. We got back home few mins ago. Mahir and Alex hadn't come yet and I'm worried sick about them. We were talking about what we missed this year. He told me about his two break ups and now he's seeing another girl.

"Enough talking about me. Tell me about yours? How's everything going?" He asked emphasizing the last sentence. I already know what he wanted to know.

"Everything is good as you can see, they are bonding." I said simply trying to avoid the topic. Though I forgive Mahir and wanted to start over once again something else is keeping me behind. Yesterday he told me why he didn't show up even though he know I didn't cheat on him. He said he found the truth after six month of my farewell and then hired people searching me around the world for another six month but failed to do so. Then he's cousin got in an accident and he had to spend one year in India. Then what about three years? He came into my life after five years. Did he stopped looking for me or something else happened?

"Back to Earth, young lady." Xav snaps his finger infront of me.

"Yeah..um so what you wanted to know?" I asked looking at him. He stared at me searching something in my eyes before speaking.

"You forgive him?" He asked seriously. I nodded

"Bella, I know you so well. You may  forgive him but can't forget what he did and I totally understand it. But trust me after you left he was nothing like before." He said making me frown. What did he mean by saying that?

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"What he did was wrong and unforgettable but he got blinded by lies. Look I didn't know what he said to you and it's really not my place to tell you anything. I just wanted to tell you he never really believe on that pictures. He may be got angry and did whatever...he did but it was just for few weeks when he realised he was wrong." I look at him but didn't say anything.

"I was there when he blamed himself every second. He cried every night cursing himself. Look I'm not defending him. I just want you two to happy." He said making me smile. I know he just wanted what is best for us.

"I know" I said smiling

"I thought you hate London? You know. We tried searching you everywhere  except this place." He said and chuckled.

"Yeah time changed everything." I sighed. He look at me.

"We really tried searching you, Bella." He said slowly. 

"He got devasted when he couldn't come to look you when he already know where you were. He wanted to come to you but his father needed him more than you. That's why it took too long for him to come." He said and sigh heavily rubbing his face. What he mean by his father need him more?

"What do you mean? What happened to dad?" I asked suddenly worried about his father. Marco was always like a father figure to me. He always treated me like his own.

"You don't know? Marco was hospitalised for three years." He said making my eyes widen. Before I could ask him anything else we were interrupted by the door bell.

I walked towards the door and meet with a tired Mahir and a sleeping Alex. He was sleeping on his father shoulder.

"Sorry we got late." He said nervously. Why he is nervous?

"That's okay. Let me put him to bed." I said holding Alex. He nodded closing the door.

"We have a visitor." I said and smile at him. He looked confused when his eyes landed on Xavier.

"Xavier." Mahir whispered Confused.

"Yes man. It's me. I thought to ease your tention." Xavier said hugging Mahir.

I make my way upstairs slowly taking step in his room. I make him lay in his bed and cover him.

"Good night baby." I whispered stroking his hair before leaving the room.

I was going back to my room when a large hand wrapped around my waist pulling me. I collided with a hard familiar chest.

"What the hell?" I yelled whispered looking at him. Mahir was standing dangerously close.

"Get ready in 20 mins. I'm taking you on a date." He whispered in my ear causing goosebumps. I closed my eyes feeling our approximity when he pulled away. I open my eyes and look at him. He was smirking. I always embarassed myself.

"Laters baby." He whispered pecking my lips and walk away.


"Tell me Mahir where are we going?" I asked. He's just driving silently as if I didn't exist.

"It's a surprise. Now will you shut up." He glared not hardly but made me quite.  Oh lord! How can I forget he's a dominant person. He always like to control people. Bloody hell.

After about twenty mins the car stopped infront of a huge hotel. Why the hell we are here? Door of my side open and he gave his hand out for me. I took it.
Once we stepped out of the car a man in his mid fifties come and took the car away for parking. I just stand there staring at the luxurious hotel. Everything about this hotel screams expensive.

"Shall we?" Mahir asked shaking me out of my la la land. I nodded at him and he wrapped his arms around my waist possessively. The guard open the door saluting at us. We entered in a huge sophisticated hall way. Once we entered the hall got dead silent. People stopped talking and looked at us in....fear?

What the hell is going on here?

We walk towards the elevator and stepped in. He punched the 16th floor.

"Where are we, Mahir? Why they look at us like that." I asked looking at him.

"It's normal, princess. They respect me that's all." He said calmly fixing his tie.

Elevator open and we stepped outside. The view infront of me was breathtaking.  There was a small table with two chairs decorated with red rose and balloons. There's a large window giving the full view of London.

"Welcome to HEAVEN."


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