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Third PoV

"What the hell is this? You said they will never get back together. Now they are living a happily ever after!" She screams.

"Shut up, Britanny. I know what I'm doing." He snaps at her. "There's a perfect timing for everything. You can't just do things whenever you want. Get it through your skull. Don't irritate me." He growls.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I'm Britanny James!" She shouts. He wraps his fingers around her neck, gripping it tight. She start chocking but he keeps his hold tight. "L-let g-go." She struggles with her words. He let her go and she falls to the ground clutching her throat in the pain.

"You want his money and I want to destroy him. We have to patient to win that." He said. "That son of a bitch have to suffer this time. I will kill his all loved ones like he did to me." He says to himself rather than to her as the flashback starts to play in his mind.

"Wake up baby, please you can't die on me. Please. I can't lose you." He pleaded holding a lifeless body of his sister.

"She's not breathing, Luke." Xavier said touching his friend shoulder.

"No! She can't leave me. N-No please baby sis wake up. Look your brother is here. Please baby.." he cried clutching his sister body. He suddenly stood and punched the man behind him.

"Y-You fucking man. You killed my sister. You killed her." Luke said holding his collar and punching the man infront of him.

"W-Why? Why you did that you were my best friend. Why you did this, Mahir." Luke yelled punching him brutally. Xavier tried to hold Luke but his anger was beyond anything. He take out his gun and was going to shoot him before a girl came rushing to them.

"Mr William. Y-You I-- Ange" the girl stammered and Luke head snap in her direction.

"What happened to her?" He roared making everyone flinch..

"S-she's commited s-suicide." The girl said and the gun fell from Luke's hand.

"Luke.. Luke.." Britanny yelled shaking his arm.

"Hn.. yeah." He said absentmindedly.

"Are you okay?" She asked him and he just nodded still can't forgot what happened to him.

"It's time to start our new plan." Luke said and smirked.


Bella's PoV

I feel lips brush my forehead and I opened my eyes. Brown orbs bore into my black ones and a smile makes its way to my lips.

"Good morning, princess." Mahir smiles down at me and I blushed.

"Morning." I smiled back at him.

"Where's my morning kiss?" He asked and wrap his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest. "No kiss." I said and heard him growl against my chest.
"That's not fair." He pouts and I chuckled at his childish behaviour.

It's been a week since we got back to our home. Though we were enjoying our time in Paris but nothing is better than being home.

"What time is it?" I ask as my arms wraps around his torso.

"Nine a.m." he reply and I nod against his chest as he kisses my hair.

"We should get up. Alex must me awake already." I said raining kisses on his chest.

"Yeah. You are right?" He kisses my head and pulls away from me, standing up pulling the sheets off of him. I squeal as I see his naked ass. "Nothing you didn't see before and last night." He smirks and I blush. He collects his boxers and pants and pull them up his legs. I reach for my bra and panties on the floor but Mahir pull the sheets off of me and I cover my breast with my hands. He laughed loudly as I scold him.

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