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Surprise, Surprise! Early update, yay!!

You guys show me so much love so I decided to give you something in return.

And since you guys were really worried about Bella and I can't make you guys sad. So here's it.

Mahir's PoV

"So what do you say Mr Alfonsi? Are you going to sign it?" Mr Brooks asked.

The deal is good, the profit is beneficial but I'm not sure if we will get profits at all. He already have a fail business and including with them is kinda risky.

"Mr Brooks," I cleared my throat. "I don't think I'm okay with the percentage. How about we make it 60%?" I ask.
Xavier look at me intently and then nods his head.

"60%? It's my business and I can't give you that much, Mr Alfonsi." He stated

"I'm investing alot of money in your damn project and for that I want 60%. If you want this hotel to be done then so be it." I said.

"But 60% is too much." His assistant speak.

"Not more than this project." Xavier reminds them and I give him an approving nod.

"I can't give you 60% of the share." Mr Brooks announced.

"Then, I'm not signing the contract. And trust me no one will invest in your project when they got know I rejected it." I retort and stand up from my seat. It's already afternoon and he isn't agreeing to what I say. I didn't call Bella, didn't talk to my son and I miss him. I miss them so much.

"Mahir," Xavier starts to stop me but I raise my hand to stop him

"If you are ready to give 60% then I will sign the contract or else forget about it." I grab my phone and walk out. My assistant joins me and hands me a bottle of water. I gulp it down. I diall Bella's number. I need to talk to her. Her phone rings and rings but she doesn't pick.

Why isn't she picking up the call? Is she okay?

Thoughts of her not being okay makes my stomach churn and heart falls into my stomach. Maybe she's in the shower? Yes. She's okay. She will call back. I drink the remaining of water and calm myself down. After a couple of minutes I call once again and there is still no response. Why isn't she answering my calls. I text her and realise there's a text from her and a call. Maybe she's pissed that I didn't answer her call. Without thinking I call Mike. He answer after three rings.

"Hello?" He answer the call.

"Hey, um...it's me. Mahir." I say.

"Oh, why did you call?" He ask

"It's Bella. She's not answering her call." I explain.

"Maybe she's in the shower." He replies.

"I have been calling since long." I say.

"I will go check her house." He assures and I thank him before I hang up. I hope she's okay.

I sat on my chair and called my assistant to bring me a cup of coffee. I once again called her but no avail. I hear a knock on my door before it opens revealing Xavier. He looks tired not the Xavier I know, means something is bothering him.

"Mr Brooks want to talk." He says and walk out without saying anything. Weird! I walk inside the conference room and see Xavier talking to Mr Brooks. When he notice me, he says,

"Okay, Mr Alfonsi. I accept your offer. We're ready to give you 60%." He says and I smirk in satisfaction.

"Okay, then. I will sign them." I say and sit on my chair. His assistant places few papers infront of me and I read it once again before signing them. I hand them the papers and shake his hand.

"I hope this project will create sensation in the market." Mr Brooks said.

"Don't forget who I am." I snap earning a nervous laugh from him.

"I know Mr Alfonsi. Thank you." He said and collects his papers and leaves the room along with his assistant. I turn to Xavier.

"Well, it went better than I expected it to go." He smiles at me but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Tell me what is it?" I asked straightly. I don't have time to play quiz.

"Nothing. Just work." He said and sat infront of me. I was about to say something when door knock revealing my assistant.

"Your coffee, sir." She says places the coffee infront of us before walking out of the room. I took a sip and felt a relief when the liquid touch my taste buds.

"Tell me, what is it?" I asked enjoying my coffee. He looked at me and he know he can't lie to me.

"Sophia is mad at me." He said as a whisper and I laughed. A true laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He hissed stood up walking to the window.

"It's just that I didn't see you worried because of some woman." I explained but he didn't turn to face me. He know I'm right.

"Okay, fine. Tell me what you did." I said

"How can you tell that it's me who done something?" He asked turning to face me and I chuckled.

"Oh, Xavier. Trust me I know woman when they get mad and why." He laughed along with me.

"Now tell me what you did?" I asked

"I accidentally kissed my assistant and Sophia saw me." He said lowerd his head.

"Fuck! You seriously kiss that bitch?" I asked remembering his assistant, Scarlett. She tried hitting on me few times but I didn't give a damnn.

"It's not that I wanted to kiss her, Scarlett, I mean. It was just so sudden and Sophia saw that before I could push Scarlett away. And now she thinks I'm an ass."

"Explain it to her." I say. He nodded but something is more eating him out.

"What is it?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He sighed.

"There's a bad news." He said. The word itself is a bad. Now who wants to mess with me. Before he could tell me anything my phone rang and it's Mike. I answer Mike.

"Mike? Is Bella okay?" I ask him.

"Nope," he breathes. "She isn't. When I reached her house, she was in the kitchen, laying on the floor, unconscious." He explains and my heart falls into my stomach. Everything around me stops as my mind stop working. All I could she was red. I hear Mike calling on the phone but I hang up.

"What happened, Mahir?" Xavier asked but nothing comes out of my mouth. The thought of losing Bella was to terrified. I already loosed her once, not again.

"Get my jet ready."


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