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Double update!
Because I'm so happy with your responses. Love you all my readers ♥️

Bella's PoV

I woke up hearing metals collides. I shot my eyes open seeing the bed empty. I stood up and make my way towards the bathroom and brush my teeth before heading downstairs. I heard someone laughing and strode my way towards the kitchen. There I saw Mahir and Alex making pancakes. Their face was covered in flour and they look hilarious.

I laughed making them look at me. They pout seeing me laughing at them.

"Why are you laughing, mommy?" Alex pout making me chuckle. I stand next to them and look around to see flour everywhere.

"You guys are looking funny!" I said and laughed. They too laugh along with me. I stop laughing and look at my son laughing with his father. Mahir was picking him up in his arms.

This is what I always wanted. Mahir being in my and my son's Life. I always wanted my baby to grow up with a father figure and now, after all these years my wish came true. What else can a woman want other than a happy family? Maybe breakfast?

After we all eat our breakfast with lots of laughter I send Alex to school. I was cleaning the kitchen. Mahir was working in his laptop wearing a serious expression. I cleaned everything after an hour and found him still working on his laptop.

"We need to talk." The words finally leave my mouth.

"About what?" He says and covers his eye with his palms and sigh heavily.

"About.....us." I say slowly and he removes his hand from his eyes and look at me with furrowed eye brows.

"You are not...you are not changing your mind, right?" I hear slightly worry in his voice. He placed his laptop on the coffee table.

"No. No" I say quickly. "I just need some answers." I say in a whisper.

"You can ask me anything. I will answer anything but not now. I'm tired. Can we discuss it tomorrow?" He said

"No. We have to do this now." I said sternly and he groans.

"Fine. What is it?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"When did you find out that I didn't cheat on you?" I asked slowly afraid of his answer. He sigh heavily before speaking.

"Six month after we got divorced." He said and my eyes widened. He knows everything but didn't came to me. Why?
Reading my mind he continue.

"Actually I already know that you didn't cheat on me but I didn't decide what to do because of that picture. The night you le.. leave I tried thinking straight but couldn't do that. After a week I realized that I was over reacting and I should have talk to you first but it was too left because you was gone." He whisper the last part and look away. I know he felt bad for everything he did in the past. But I want to know if he knew that I didn't cheat on him then why didn't he came earlier? He came after five years?

"Then I hired my personal detective to investigate everything. That time I know I have to find you but didn't wanted to bother you. I wanted to give you space because I already damaged everything. And that was my biggest mistake, leaving you I should have come directly to you.

"Anyway after lots of enquiries I got to know the pictures were Photoshop and trust me I was beyond angry not on the one who did that but on myself because I myself ruined everything because of my stupidity. It took six months."  He said and chuckled bitterly but I know he regretted everything he did.

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