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Mahir's PoV

I stare at the lifeless body of Tyler. His body laid there amongst the dirt. His face was bloodied, his neck was twisted. I couldn't believe he would go this far just to take his revenge.

I dialled Xavier's number.

"Mahir.." his cheerful voice rang.

"Xav," my voice trembled in fear, "Bella's mother house, in fifteen minutes."

"Mahir.." he trailed of immediately sensing the danger, "I'll be there."

I couldn't leave until everyone arrived. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream out, I want to see her but all I could do was stare at the dead body of my men.

As soon I heard the SUV pulling up in my driveway, I stormed out.

"Mahir.." Xavier called me out, "Bella...?"

"Her phone blinks around the airport's perimeter." I said while unlocking my door.

"She'll be alright, man." Xavier spoke.

"She should be, Xav." I spoke while dialling her number once again. Her location blinked between an old motel, "I don't know what I'll do it..."

I couldn't think straight as I speed up. I couldn't lose her, I can't...

When we reached the spot, I saw my car parked under the streetlight. I ran and opened the door. My eyes fell on the floor where her phone laid. I picked it up and my message lighten up. Her wallpaper stared at me and I gripped the hood tightly.

"Who do you think it is?"

"Luke," I gritted out.

"How do you know it's him?" Xavier said while checking for evidence, "it could be anymore."

"No one want to see their death this soon, unless it's him. I fucking know it's him."


"Fuck!" I screamed loudly.

I lost her, I lost her again.


"Three days!! There's fucking days!! She's gone for three days and no one could fucking find her!!" I yelled at everyone. I couldn't even stand the sight of them. I was getting insane by the thought of Luke hurting my woman. God forbid, if anything happens to Bella, I-I...I I would lose my sanity.

"Do you think he changed his name?" Jake spoke as I wiped off the blood of my fingers. The moment he heard his sister was kidnapped he came to help. Guess what after beating me and I let him be.

"Yeah, but he won't go that far." Xavier pointed.

I squeezed my head with my fingers to lessen the ache. It has been three days and I still haven't found a single trace leading me any closer to my beating heart. I only found out that Luke lived in a small lodge all these days and had managed to keep a watch on our house. Did he sneak up under my nose all this time? Was this all my fault?

I drowned the glass and threw it against the wall. I did the right thing by flying back to New York. I don't want my son to see me like this. He's with his grandmother and grandfather unaware of the fact that his mother is kidnapped.

"Let's go back," Liam, my friend and detective said, "we'll start again tomorrow."

I grunted in response.

"Mahir, you have to sleep, man." Xavier said while we drove back, "you will need energy if you want to find her.

"I'm fucking fine!" I snapped at them jumping off my car and strode towards my mansion.

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