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Happy birthday to the most humble and one of the nicest people I have ever met.. bb_bhavya 🎂. My Bhavu!

May be it's just a few months of our friendship but you managed to make a special place in my heart..♥️😘😘

An Amazing Writer, An Awesomely Good Friend and A True Fan!!

This one is for you Sweetheart!

Bella's PoV

Everything around me stops as I hear the words fall out of her mouth. My head is spinning and my mouth is dry. I feel like I can't breathe. I look at the woman sitting behind the desk looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you mean he isn't here!? Only I can pick him up." I screamed at her.

I feel like crying but I have to stay strong for my son. After completing my work I left my office to came directly to pick him up from his play school when receptionist told me he's not here.

"I know. But he said you send him to pick him up and even Alex said he knows him and he's your friend." She defend herself.

"He? It was a man?" I ask

"Yes" she answers. My phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text message.

Unknown: let's talk now.

And I know who exactly it is. I fall on my knees and sob. He took my son away from me. How can he do this to me?

I hurriedly get up and walked out of the school only to see a man in black suit waiting beside a black Audi. His eyes met mine and he marched towards me.

"Ms Grayson. I'm Nathan, Mr Alfonsi asked me to pick you up." He said in his robotic tone. I sighed and followed him. I rest my head on the window and look out as the driver drives through traffic.

After half and hour ride, the driver stops  the car infront of a building. It was like an expensive complex. Nathan comes out and open the door for me before I can. Another man comes and take the car away and Nathan leads me inside. The way he walk it's easy to say he's a body guard.

"This way ma'am" he says and points to elevator. He pressed the thirty floor and waits. The door open and we reach the floor. He leads me to a room and knock on the door. Few seconds pass and the door open, revealing a man, whom I don't recognise. Nathan and the man nod at each other and the man opens the door wide.

The room is beautiful with expensive interior design. There's a large window infront of me with a clear view of London.

"Like the view?" A very familiar voice said and I turn to the see one and only Devil.

"What do you want from me?" I ask

"I don't repeat myself but for you I will do anything." He said with much authority and paused. "I want to be in your and our son's life" he said and I nodded. His eyes widen at first but then narrow. "I'm serious." He says again.

"I will do anything for my son" I say emphasising the word.

"He's mine son too" he snaps and I roll my eyes.

"Where are they?" I asked

"He's watching cartoon. Come with me" he said and I followed him. Alex was sitting in big cream colour couch, watching paw petrol. His eyes meet mine and he immediately jump on me wrapping his hands around my neck. I hugged him tightly and cry.

"What happened mommy? Why are you crying?" Alex asked wiping my tears with his tiny hands.

"Baby I want to tell you something" I said and looked at Mahir, he was sitting cross us,  he smiled at me but I just ignore him and look at my son.

"Mahir i-is...Mahir is y-your D-Dad " I say and he looked shock.

My heart is racing as he looked at me with wide eyes. The room is dead silent and the air around very thick that I can slice it with a knife.

"Mahir is my d-daddy?" He break the silence. I gulp loudly before nodding. He turn his gaze towards Mahir and he smile at him sweetly. Suddenly Alex runs to him and wrap his tiny arm around his neck. Mahir hug him tightly and kissed his face to which Alex giggle loudly.

I sit there with tears in my eyes and I see both of them in each other's arms. Mahir look at me but I look away.

"Daddy" Alex squealed " I have a daddy like all the kids have." He said and hugs him again.

All these years, I didn't know he needed a father. Now I realised how much it hurt him to see other kids with both of their parents while he had only a mother. But then all kid's parents didn't have trust issues and were not blinded by jealousy. Then, there was Mahir. He didn't even come to me with whatever made him think that I was cheating on him. I stand up and walk out of the room and letting them have their moments.

"Ahem" I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see Mahir standing there. "Bella I-" he start but I raise my hand to stop him

"Why are you doing all this, Mahir? I ask "Why did you come back to my life and tear it apart once again? Why are you trying to take my son and happiness away? Why?" I continued when he doesn't speak. "Why-" I was cut off by lip crashing against mine.

The familiar warmth I felt years ago, come back to me as his lips touch mine. I stand there frozen, with wide eyes and not moving. His lips are the same soft and perfect. My eyes fluttered and my eye lids close. When I close my eyes I see Mahir kissing Brittany from that night and I open my eyes immediately. I place my hand on his chest and push him away. I wiped my lips with my sleeves.

"This doesn't answer my question" I screamed

"I'm doing because I fucking love you and I want you back" he screams making my breath hitched. Silence settle between us for few seconds and I suddenly started to laugh. He is looking at me with confusing eyes.

"What's so funny?" He snaps at me.

"That was very good joke, Mahir" I snap back.

"I know I hurt you. I know I made you leave me when you needed me the most. I know I was wrong by jumping into the conclusion without knowing the truth. I'm sorry for not trusting you, and kicking you out of the house. I am sorry for behaving like a caveman that night. But please, just listen to what I have to say." He said and I remained quite. "Please" he pleaded and I almost melted. Almost.


I pity on Mahir!

So finally we are going to know what had happened actually.

Don't forget to vote and comment because it gives me boost to write for you 😉

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