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Mahir's PoV( few days back)

"You sure. You want to do this?" Xavier asked for the tenth time. We were currently sitting in my cabin. Past few days was disaster for me. My father is angry because I'm cancelling my all meetings. I hadn't tell my parents about Bella and my son. I'm deciding to tell them soon. For the past few weeks  I'm just working from my here though I completed some paper works but it still didn't change the fact that I'm loosing my deals. I just can't leave everything go back to New York not when I'm fixing everything with my family. My family! I
Already wasted five years though I was tied by something, I just don't want to be away from my family. Specially when I know I have my son.

"Listen, Xavier do you have any other way to find the truth?" I asked seriously and he just sigh. He know I'm right. It's the only way I can find out the real victim.

"I know but you have to think before taking any step. It will only ruin the moment you have with your wife." He said and it's my turn to sigh. He's right.

"I know. If I want to fix everything with my life I have to take risk. I have to met Britanny. She's the one who Photoshop all the photos and I fucking want answer." I said through gritted teeth.

"I understand but that doesn't mean you have to go close to her?" He said.

"I will try my best to handle the situation." I said with finality in my words.

"Good" he said.

"Xavier, I hadn't told you one thing." I said nervously waiting for his reaction. He look at me with confusion.

"Well..um. I-I have a son." I said and look up to see his blank expression. He stared at me with emotionless face.

"Say something?" I asked waiting impatiently for his reply.

"She was p-pregnant?" He asked. Anger was visible in his face and I know I can't hide it anymore.

"Yes" As the word come out of my mouth I got a punch on my face. Well I didn't expect him to punch me. Sure Bella had soft spot in every one's heart. Not only my bestfriend but my parents were like him. When I first tell them about the divorce they didn't talk to me for the whole fucking six month. Even my own mother refused to look at me. After millions of sorrys and promises I finally got to meet my parents.

"You didn't need to punch me." I sounded angry but I can't. I deserve it. I kicked her out of our house when she was pregnant.

"You know already you deserve it, bro." He said fixing his suit and sat down calmly as if he didn't punch me just.

"I can't believe I'm a uncle." He said with a wide grin on his face. I was telling him about Alex when my phone rings, a huge smile erupt on my face seeing the caller ID.

"Bella-" I was surprised that she called me. I was about to speak when I heard my son's voice.

"Hey little man. How are you?" I asked on phone and he replied. He told me he was missing me.

"No Alex. Daddy is busy he can't come....I will make it up to you okay?" I asked. He just said okay and hang up. My son is sad and it all because of me but I can't help it. I have a work to complete it.

"Was it your son?" Xavier asked the moment I put the phone down. I just nodded my head.

"He want to spend some time with me." I said and he sighed.

"Don't worry everything will be alright." He said and patted my back.

"I hope so"

Bella's PoV

"Are you serious?" I asked him shockingly. We were sitting in my living room. Alex was already in the bed asleep.

"I know our relationship is kinda complicated but they want to see you." He said and brush his hand in his hair. His parents wanted to meet me and I couldn't say no to them. They still hadn't know about Alex yet. I didn't even know about what's going on between us.

"Please baby it just the matter of two days." He continued and I sigh. I look up to see him staring at nothing. Something is eating him up.

"What's the matter?" I asked after few mins.

"N-Nothing" he stuttered and stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked angrily. What he thing of himself? Whenever he want he can come to my house and play with my son and when he get bored he went to his girlfriend.

"I'm going to my penthouse" he said and come forward to kiss me but I step back. I can't take this anymore. If he really want to fix all this he have to stop lying.

"Are you going to meet your girlfriend?" I asked and he frowned.

"What girlfriend?"he asked confused.

"Oh!  don't fool me. I know you are still with that woman" I said angrily

"For fuck sake Bella she's not my girlfriend. I haven't even sleep with her." He said feeling frustrated.

"Really? Then what was you doing with her in the club?" I asked to which he looked confused but soon faded with guilty.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." He said cupping my face but I slap his hand away.

"You ditched your son to be with her." I shouted but not enough to wake Alex.

"Listen Bella she work for me. I need her for something " he said calmly. He need her?

"Oh! Then I don't think you have any problem when I'll be going out with Christian?" I asked smirking. If he can play games then why not me?

"No! I told you I need her for something. She works for my company and I can't take it all back." He yelled whisper

"What work?" I asked frustratedly. Why didn't he just tell me.

"I can't right now. I'm waiting for the right time." He says through gritted teeth and I know he's trying to keep himself calm.

"You know I don't owe you anything. I will do whatever fuck I want." I said brushing his shoulder when all of sudden he grip my arm and spin around pulling me to his chest.

"You. Are. Mine" he said huskily emphasising every word before crashing his lips with mine. The moment his lips connect with mine I felt tingles in the pit of my stomach. He asked permission to explore my mouth and I gladly give in. I can smell his minty breath on my lips. He's lips are soft like plumps. I kissed him back with equal intensity and heat. God I just miss this.

"Exclusively. Mine" he pulled away breathing hard.

"Really? If my memory serves me right, we got divorced five years ago. All thanks to you." I said rolling my eyes.

"You are still mine." He said smirking wrapping his hand around my waist pulling me closer.

"Are you having an amnesia?" I asked wiggling out of his grip.

"No princess, if my memory serves me right you are still Mrs Alfonsi." He said smiling widely at me.

"We got divorced, Mahir. You yourself signed it and ofcourse me too." I said but it comes out as a whisper. I still hadn't erase all the memories of five years ago.

"Well princess, I think you need to know the truth." He said and I look at him confusingly.

"You are still mine Cara Mia. You are still legally My Wife."


Oh my god! Did you guys just heard it?

What's Mahir talking about? Any guesses?

Do follow me guys if you want to read my other short stories!

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Much Love,

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