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Mahir's pov

What you feel when your mind and soul is somewhere else?

Well it feels like hell.

I'm currently sitting in my meeting room and watching other people giving their presentation. Trust me when I say I didn't understand any of their presentation. I feel like I'm trapped in some kind of cage and this continues blabbering of people is making me insane.

"And the main agenda of this collaboration is to unite Alfonsi enterprises with Adams corporation. Ladies and gentlemen..."

"Stop" I barked making everyone quite. Every eyes were on me. They were looking at me like they had done some crime and afraid of going to jail. Well it's not my fault that everyone see like I'm some kind of monster.

"We will continue this meeting tomorrow" I said almost ordered and they breathed in relief. I know this meeting is so important for me but I can't help it. My mind is somewhere else. Or I may say in someone else.

"But sir it's important" one of the man sitting infront of me said. Truth to be told this meeting is much important because finally I decided to collaborate my few branches with Adams. But nothing is more important than my woman.

"I will conduct this meeting tomorrow. Did I make myself clear?" I said in my strict tone. I'm loosing my mind.

"Y-yes s-sir"

I stood up and left the room calling my assistant on my way. It takes few rings and see finally picked the call.

"Cancel all my meetings and reschedule it for tomorrow" I ordered and hung up without waiting for her response. I pressed the ground floor button and get inside the elevator. It takes few mins but it feels like hours.

I left my office building and at once greeted by Nathan. Nodding at him I immediately sat inside my car followed by Nathan who sat on passenger sit.

"Where to sir?" Leo asked

"Grayson's" I said and he nodded.

It's been a week since my first encounter with her and I'm really excited to meet her again. I know she will think why I'm here after week but after seeing me at the ball she needs some space to digest the fact that I'm actually here. It was easy to find where she works because I have my mens following her not everywhere because I respect her privacy.  I know it's sounds creepy but I just wanted to make sure she's safe. She owned her small company which she herself established without anyone help. Being the only daughter of richest businessman of California she didn't take any help from her parents because she always wanted to have her own business without anyone's help. Her father wanted her to take over the company but she decides against it and now she own her company. Grayson corporation was take over by Jack five years ago and I must say he's perfect. I didn't work with him yet but seeing their father's hard work one thing I know both Bella and Jack are hard working person.

"Sir, we are here" Leo's voice interrupted my thoughts. Nathan opened my door and I step outside. Nodding at both of them I make my way inside the building. It's not like my or her father's building but still it's amazing. I was greeted by some of her staffs. Few were whispering and few were staring at me like vultures. Ignoring their lustful stares I made my way towards the elevator.

Thus building has totally seven floor it means her office is in the last one. Stepping out of the lift I was greeted by the receptionist. She was shocked to see me here. Well why wouldn't.

"I want to see Ms. Grayson" I said in my regular strict tone. Nodding at me see call someone and talked for few seconds.

"Her assistant is in the next hall. Right way sir" she said eyeing at me up and down.

Ignoring her I made my way towards the desk where a lady was sitting silently working on her computer. I clear my throat to gain her attention.

"How may I help...oh my god Mr Alfonsi" I smirked seeing her reaction.

"Oh my god the Mahir Alfonsi is here" she said rubbing her eyes for confirmation. Seriously why it's so hard to believe I'm here?

"I'm here to see Ms Grayson" I said coming directly to the point because there's no chance I'm wasting my time with her nonsense talks. She quickly understand what I mean and left. She was entering inside the brown gate.

After waiting for few mins she finally came outside swaying her hips. Well if I didn't know the nature of women then I  definitely say she's beautiful.

"She's waiting for you insyde" she said still looking at me as if she didn't believe I'm here. I left without replying her.

I softly knock at the door. After few seconds and heard the familiar honey voice.



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