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Bella's PoV

Morning comes before I know it and the first thing I notice is Mahir isn't next to me. I sigh heavily and sit up on the bed. I pull my hair into a bun and push the cover off of me. The anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach returns as I walk into the bathroom.

I take a long warm shower to get my mind off the things but it wasn't working. I wrap the towel around my body another one to my hair. I tried my hair and wore a simple black shirt with shorts. I walk out of my room to wake Alex but he wasn't there. I heard laughing coming from downstairs and made my way in the kitchen.

Mahir was there wearing nothing but jeans hanging below his V- line holding Alex in his arm. He's teaching how to make pancakes and Alex was just messing everything around. I smiled looking at my small family. I always wanted this.

I was about to say something when my phone rings. Christian name flashes on my screen. Why is he calling me?

"Hello." I heard him saying.

"Hey Christian. How have you been?" I asked him.

"Good actually. I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier because of work." He said and I chuckled

"It's absolutely fine."

"I thought why shouldn't we hang out you know we hadn't meet since Alex's birthday." He said and I remembered.

"I'm so sorry Christian. I couldn't. Mahir is going New York today and I can't leave Alex alone here." I apologised. He become quite for a second.

"Oh he's leaving? It's okay next time may be." He said and I agreed and hung up.

When I reached the kitchen Mahir was already making the toast and eggs.

"Mommy." Alex squealed and jump on me making me lose my balance but Mahir caught me.

"Easy there little man." Mahir said

"Good morning, princess." He said and kiss my cheeks.

"Morning." I blushed

"You didn't have to do it, Mahir. I was about to start cooking." I say and turn on the coffee carrying Alex.

"I want pizza mommy." Alex said clapping his hand together.

"No baby. No pizza." I said making my coffee.

"Let's eat our breakfast. I'm getting late." He said serving toast and eggs.

"You are leaving now?" I asked placing Alex on the chair and sat beside him.

"Yeah." He said tiredly and started eating. I wanted to tell him about the message but seeing him so tired I don't want to disturb him more.

We ate our breakfast in silence.


"Don't run baby. You might fall" I said to Alex as I just bathed him. He left giggling and I sigh and walk out of the bathroom

"Come here baby, let me dress you." I said taking his cloth out of his closet.

"No mommy I'm a gown up man." He said seriously and I laughed at his cute expression.

"It's 'grown up' baby." I corrected his word and laugh and he pout.

"Okay fine. Go dress yourself and learn the rhymes. Okay?" I asked and he nodded and closed the door pushing me out.

"Yes mommy." He yelled making me chuckled. I walk downstairs saw Mahir was there sitting on the couch holding his head.

"Are you okay, Mahir?" I asked and he lifts his head up looking at me.

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