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A/N: I'm really really appreciate your answers. It was like tons of positive answers. I love you all and even if you guys denied for it I would still give you the story because it's a Birthday treat for my beautiful readers!

So, Thank you for your supports and appreciation, it's really meant a lot to me!! ♥️🙏

Bella's PoV

"What the hell is going on here?" I scream at the top of my lung. The scene infront of me was enough to throw up all I ate. Not in my wildest dreams I imagined my brother with my only best friend. Vish was sitting on his lap half naked while jack was shirtless busy in kissing her. Thank god they are not doing anything else.

God I really wanted to dig a hole and jump inside.

My voice startled them as they jump in horror. Vish eye's were widen like soccer and her mouth was wide open. While jack was shocked bt soon he composed himself.

"B-Bella um..I..

"Enough!" I cut her in between. She hurriedly wear her top and adjusted her hair as jack wore his shirt. I was still shock not believing anything. I know from the start that vish has feelings for my brother. When we were in 12th grades she confessed with me but she waa afraid of my brother.

Whenever my brother tried to talk with her she walk away shyly. But now seeing them like this was definitely a horror for me.

"Why are you here sis?" Jack asked after minutes of silence and staring. I glared at him but he just acted cool as if nothing happened.

"I was here to spend some time with my dear brother but I think you are busy already." I spat at him. Vish gulped in fear but said nothing. I glared at them for seconds before speaking.

"In my home tonight." I ordered before shutting the door with loud thud. I know she knew whom I'm referring to. I left the building and sat inside my car before driving to home. I'm mad no I'm furious. Why she didn't tell me about this. We were supposed to share everything. She need to explain this. I don't want her to get hurt again. I know my brother well. He use women like clothes. He's a womaniser and I don't want my bestfriend to get hurt by my brother when I know she has feelings for him.

After half and hour I finally arrived home. Collecting the bags full of groceries I entered inside only to welcome by silence.

"Alex!" I called his name but no response. I called few times when I heard footsteps. Xavier walk towards me while I put the bags on the kitchen island.

"Hey" he whispered coming towards me. I smiled back started arranging the stuffs.

"Where's Alex?" I asked him.

"He's asleep. He got tired while playing." He chuckled and I smiled.

"So.. where were you?" He asked looking at me. I sighed remembering the incident happened in the office.

"I went to my brother's office." I said not wanting to describe him what really happened when I myself didn't have any idea of what they were doing.

"Okay let's watch something." He said and walk away to open TV. I smiled at him and kept arranging the stuffs I bought when I heard the familiar name. I look at the TV as my eyes widen.

No! He can't do this to me.

Xavier quickly changed the channel when he felt I was watching too. I hurriedly walked towards him and snatch the remote before changing the channel.

He was in every news.

Breaking news:

World's famous billionaire Mahir Alfonsi was again caught with Britanny James in his car together. Our sources says, they were coming out of a hotel which Mahir owns. They even said that he was in hurry when media caught him.

What were they doing in a hotel?
Are they dating again?

What happened to Miss Grayson?

My mind went blank as I stopped breathing. They show their pictures together in the car. Britanny was wearing red tight dress and her hair and makeup was messy. Mahir's hand was on her shoulder while they were blocking their faces.

He lied.

He lied to me. He was not there for any meeting. He was fucking with that whore and lied to me.

He fucking lied.

I come out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look at him with blurry gaze. The first tear dropped to my hand. I stared at it, detached from myself. I hadn't realize I was crying and I didn't feel it on my hand

How could I cry and not feel it?

"Bella..Bella listen to me." I heard Xavier voice and I look at him to see worry in his eyes.

"He lied to me." I whispered slowly. Before he can say anything else I stood up and opened the door. I left the house before I could burst in tears. I was feeling suffocated inside. I heard loud footsteps and I know Xavier is behind me. I ran as fast as I could. Right now I wanted to be alone. I didn't look back as I just kept running.

I heard a voice yell in the distance. But he sounded far away. I was crossing the road when my foot twitched and I fall hard on the road. I slowly stood up but it was too late, a very bright light comes infront of me, I just froze like a statue on the centre of the high way.

"Bella!" That was Xavier voice. He was screaming my name but everything felt distant. But before I could process anything, my body was blown away and I hear car windows crashed on me. I fall hard on my face.

"Bella!" I heard his voice again before everything goes Black.

Unknown PoV

He smirks seeing her lifeless body. He knew that Bella meant a lot to Mahir, so he targeted her to pull him down. He left out a soft dangerous chuckled seeing Xavier yelling for help. He knew Xavier will definitely call Mahir now and that's when he will feel overwhelmed. He wanted to see Mahir infront of his eyes crying and yelling for help and he knew his wish will fulfill soon.

"This is just the beginning." He said to himself and let out a evil laugh as he watched Xavier carry her in his arm until the ambulance arrives.


Oh my, something happened to our Bella.

Comment your reaction as I really wanted to know what you think.

What about the evil man? Who is he?

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