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A/N: God guys when did I mention that today's my Birthday?! I clearly mentioned it in the previous update that the 'short story I was going to start is a Birthday treat' not today's update.

"His Purchased Wife"

Is going to start on 3rd August that's on my Birthday. You can see the cover on the top.

Mahir's POV

"Tell me why were you spying on my family?" I roared choking her neck tightly. Glancing down at the time, I was fast losing my patience with this bitch. When I landed on NYC I got a call from my personal detective and he said that someone was spying on my wife and son. He send me some pictures of Bella with a red marks on them. That moment I know who did this but I had no prove. I called him again and order him to search who was spying on my family. I had already finished the meeting for which I was here. I checked everything before preparing my jet for London.

After six hour I found the one only whore was behind this. Britanny James

The name already boiled my blood. I slap her across her face to wake her up. She moaned and open her eyes. She was lying lifeless like a whore. My men didn't touch her. She like to drug alot.

I'm already furious with that paparazzi incident. They got me and this bitch coming out my hotel in NYC. I landed in London half and hour ago with this bitch and my detective. I'm looking forward to clear this mess first before going home.

"You've got a lot of fucking nerve "

She giggled and whipped her golden hair over her shoulder twice, and I wanted nothing more than to rip it from her head and throw her outside the car.

Why did I chose her for my secretary on the first place? She's crazy.

"What took you so long?" She asked lazily.

Why people chose to test my patience? It was like they wanted me to repeatedly prove I was willing to beat the shit out of them.

I reached out, wrapping my fingers around her neck and tightening my hold. "You need to remember your place in this world. You are nothing but a gold digger. You are not what I want. You will never be the kind of woman I want." I squeezed her neck, cutting off her air supply.

There it is.

I saw the flash of fear in her eyes, and I fucking loved that.

"If you again spy on my family I will make you pray for your death long before you get it. Do you understand me?" I released her neck long enough for her to speak.

"Yes." She gasped

"Good. Mark my words." I said as our car pulled up to Italian- styled mansion of James's. There were about fifty men guarding the area.

"Why are we here?" Britanny asked

"You will see."

I climbed out of the car. Liam, my personal detective and a good friend of mine climbed out holding britanny. I nodded at him and he knew what this meant. We had four snipers outside and Liam had someone jammed all the frequencies that were not our own.

The door to the mansion opened and a old man stand outside.

"Welcome Mr Alfonsi. Mr James is already waiting and told me to skip formalities for the time being. I shall escort you to his office." The old man bowed not before glancing at britanny.

I nodded at him, not wanting to waste my time either. We already knew why we are here and there's no point of bullshit. Finally the old man stopped and opened a door for us. I stepped inside.

"To say I'm surprised would be an understatement. What brings you here Mahir?" William James said as he stood behind his office desk. The three men who stood beside him stiffened in my arrival.

I smirked. "I'm sure this one is yours." I said as I reached behind the door and pull britanny's arm. She cried out. He froze, staring at me in shock and confusion.

"What is she doing here?" I watched as anger flashes in his eyes when he saw the State of his precious daughter.

"She dared spying on something important to me and you must know how much I despise that." I glared as I tighten my hold on her arm.

"Remember how close you come to death today. Next time you forget, I will cut you from the tip of your pretty chin to your heart." I gritted before shoving her forward.

I look at William. He was glaring at me like he wants to bash my head. Too bad, he couldn't do that.

"You can thank me for saving your daughter's life by making sure she doesn't get to step in my territory again or else I will make sure to tear her body from limb to limb and send the parts to you as a remembrance. And before you ask, no, that isn't a threat, it's a promise." I look at him dead in the eyes and left without uttering other words.

As the car pulled out I look at my phone to check any calls or messages from Bella but there was nothing. I told her I would be back tomorrow but my job there as been finished. I need to see her before I lose my sanity.

"Mahir" Liam turn from his seat upfront.

"What?" I look at me

"Something happened. Xavier wants to speak with you."

My jaw clenched and the storm began inside me again. I dialed his number.


"Mahir! Come quick! I'm here at the hospital."

I suddenly become confused.
"What's going on why are you panicking?"

"It's Bella. She had an accident and she's barely breathing."

At that moment I felt a pain that makes my blood stop and everything around me also stopped. I hadn't felt that pain when I lost her five years ago because I know that no matter how much time it take she will be mine. But now..

"Drive to the hospital fast." I ordered breathing heavily as my mind went blank. I heard Liam asking me what happened but I was froze.

Wait for me, Bella. Don't give up.


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