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Bella's PoV

Five years later!

"Jayden!" I run behind the three years old, as he runs in the hall. "Stop there, little monster." I scold. He turns around and then runs towards me jumping in my arms. "You are really getting out of hand." I scold and he giggled. Is he really didn't understand my words or he is just pretending?

"Oh god, Bella why are you running?" Came a worried voice. I turn and look at my bestfriend, Vish.

"Ask your son, he's getting really naughty." I said and she laughed picking Jayden. He immediately smiled seeing his mommy. He's a mommy boy.

Four years ago, Vish found out that she was pregnant with my brother's child. And ofcourse everyone was happy as we have the grand wedding in Italy. Later that year she gave birth to Jayden and since then he's everyone's favourite. He's so cute just like my brother. He have blond hair and hazel eyes which he inherited from his mother. Yesterday they came to visit us, so we have some family time. My parents is already here with Mahir's parents.

"Back to Earth, lady." Vish voice broke my chain of thoughts. I hissed when I felt pain in my abdomen.

"What happened? Do we need doctor? Oh my god, Bel, are you okay?" Vish panick voice startled me.

"Hey! Relax. I'm fine." I said assuring her and rubbed my belly.

Well, I'm pregnant, again.

Five years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and we named her after Luke's sister. Angelina. She's too energetic, just like her daddy. She's a daddy girl. Whenever she wants anything she directly went to her daddy because she knows I won't give her everything. And as loving my husband is, he always full fill her every wishes.

He spoiled her.

"You sure, you are okay?" Vish asked once again and I nodded. I'm already in my last month. Docter told me to have proper rest as my due date is near.

"Great! I'm going to bath him. Tell me if you need anything." She said and left with Jayden.

I couldn't believe how my life changed in all those years. Five years ago I thought my life was over but I was wrong he saved me, he saved us. Two months later, I got married to him again because according to him he want to start everything once again.

It's been five years since I got remarried to my husband. Mahir took really good care of me more than wanted because of the incident happened five years ago. Due to lack of water and glucose docters suggest full bed rest till my delivery. We got married and moved back to New York with our family, finally. I thought he was taking us to the old home in which we used to stay but instead he take me to a new place, to a new house or I may say mansion. When I asked him when he got the time to build this freaking huge mansion he said that makes my heart flutter.

"I build that mansion five years ago. I wanted to give you this surprise on our first anniversary but..you know..um." I didn't let him finished and kiss the hell out of him.

He planned all this years ago but everything changed that day. I throw the memories out of my mind and focused on him, on us. Alex was so excited to move to New York. He made friends in his new school which obviously my husband owns. I think my husband owns half of the America.

Months passed, my bump got bigger and bigger and finally, I delivered Angelina. She was beautiful. She's exactly like me except her hair which she inherited it from her daddy. Alex was so excited to meet his little sister. She was our ball of happiness, though she drained my energy by making me run behind her all the time, she was my stress buster. A little time with my little girl and everything was perfectly fine. After her it took years for me to get pregnant.

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