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Double update!

Mahir PoV

"I asked what the hell is he doing here?" I shouted making everyone jump in fear.

"He came to meet me." Bella said unsure. Did she think I'm a fool? The moment I saw this man I know there's something off about him.

"He came to see you? Why?" I asked sarcastically. Maybe he can fool everyone here but not me.

"Because he's my friend." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I want him out, now." I said looking at her. I turned to look up at Xavier who's already looking at me.

"He's not leaving Mahir. He's my friend." She said looking at me. I started to say but she raised her hand to stop me. "You can't stop me from seeing my friends." She said.

"Oh, I can and I will." I said furiously and walks to the bed and pulls Christian up by his collar. I glared at him as he glared at me until Xavier seperated us. I was angry beyond angry.

"What's your problem Mahir. I'm just here to make sure she's fine. I-" He stop whatever he's saying as I looked dead in his eyes.

"Everyone knew no one call me by my name except from my family and close friends but you dared to call me by my name. And as per I know you are not my friend, Are we?" I asked looking at him seriously. Everyone went silent. They knew what's the consequences of messing with Mahir Alfonsi.

"I--um.. I'm sorry s-sir." He stammered looking down. I smirked.

"You better be, before I kick you out of your company. And trust me no company will hire you knowing I fired you." I said before leaving the room. I know my words were sharp as knife. He must be terrified by now. The first time I saw him with Bella there was something in my mind saying I knew that guy but how. I don't think he works for my company nor he's my friend. Something is fishy about this guy.

I called Liam and he pick up his call in second ring. "Hello." He spoke

"Liam I want you to search the entire history about Christian Black. Where he born, where he completed his studies, he's girlfriend, each and every information." I spoke sternly meaning I just wanted the work done.

"Yes Boss." He said and I hang up. He's not what he is to showing everyone. I started my car and drove to my office. After thirty minutes I stopped infront of my building. Parking the car I make my way inside the building ignoring all the greetings and starings from people. I'm not in the mood to deal with them.

I hit the 33th floor and entered inside the elevator when my phone rings. I take out my phone from pocket before receiving it.

"What is it, Nathan." I barked clearly not in the mood to talk.

"Mr Black just came out of the hospital." He said. I told him to guard Bella and watch the people who visit her.

"Follow him where he goes. Call few mens to guard outside the hospital." I ordered and hung the call.

I step outside the elevator and walk towards my office. I step in and sat on my chair holding my head.

"In my cabin, now" I ordered through the intercom. Few minutes later my assistant knock before entering.

"Yes sir." Julia my new assistant asked trembling in fear. I already kick Britanny out of this company when I heard she was spying on my family. She was just here because I want her infront of my eyes. I know she was behind all these fake pictures but someone was else who planned all this. I wanted to know the name but she didn't opened her mouth.

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