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Bella's PoV

Finally after so many years I feel good, I feel alive and I want this feeling everyday. Everything was back to normal as it was before. Mahir left for New York in early morning because of his meeting. He told me to not worry much. But still there's a feeling inside me telling me something is wrong. I shrugged that thought away focusing on what should I do now?

Xavier and Alex are already playing Xbox with no worries leaving me alone.
Today I decided to take a leave to spend some time with Alex but seeing him playing and laughing with Xavier I don't want to disturb them. Then an idea pop inside my brain.

"Hey boys let's go to the park." I said but it's like non of them listen. I groaned in annoyance when I thought of something else.

"Okay lets go to shopping. What say?" I ask hoping them to pause whatever they are playing but man I was wrong.

"Fine. I'm going alone." I said annoyed with them and took my clutch.

"Good bye mom." I heard Alex says happily as I turned to see Xavier was laughing and soon Alex join him. I glared at both of them but couldn't control myself and laughed along with them.

"Okay fine I'm going to shopping. You guys stay inside. Okay?" I said and they both nodded still busy in playing.

What the hell they are playing?

"Take care, Bella." Xavier said not removing his eyes from the screen. I huffed and open the door and closed behind.

After shopping for almost an hour I bought some groceries and few personal hygiene stuffs. After paying for everything I exist out.

"What should I do now?" I asked to myself standing infront of the mall. People were passing by busy in their work. I hadn't talked properly to Vish and Mike since I got back to Mahir.

I called Mike first to know where he is now. That day when he left angrily I tried calling him but he didn't pick any of my calls. I thought to wait for few days and then I explained him everything. At first his response was still like earlier but when I said that I really wanted to forgive him he agreed. I know he can't get mad at me for so long.

"Hello!" He said after picking the call. His breath was heavy as if he was running or something.

"Hey Mike. Where are you?" I asked hoping he's free so we could hang out like old days.

"Well Bella I'm in between of something really important and you idiot disturbed me. So tell me what happened?" He said frustrated. What the hell is he doing?

"What are you doing Mike? Don't tell me you are fucking Jason?" I asked feeling disgusted seeing them doing-- stop! Bella.

"You guess is right baby now get the hell out." He shouted and cut the call. Wow! What a man. Jason is Mike's boyfriend they live together for almost two years.

I waited few mins before calling Vish. She's my last option and I didn't hang out with her in past few weeks. We talked on call daily but she's been busy and I'm really worried about her.

"Bella. How I-I mea.. mean Hii." She said breathless as if she didn't expect me to call her. What the problem with this two?

"Well I thought we should hang out. You know like old days." I said and heard some sound before she sighed breathing heavily.

"Vish? Are you okay? Where are you?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes.. yes I'm fine just..umm I'm sorry Bella I'm in work. So I will call you later." She said hang the call.

Okay! This is weird. Really weird.

What the hell they are doing? I yelled loudly causing people to look at me. I flushed and quickly sat inside my car. Now what should I do now? I don't want to go home early.

Well I know where to go now. I thought aloud and started driving. I switch on the radio and start humming with the song when my phone ring. I switch it off before taking my phone out. A smile appeared on my lips seeing the caller ID.

"Hey." I whispered stopping the car. I don't want to die this early.

"Hi. I landed few hours ago and now I'm going to the meeting." Mahir said on the call.

"Good. Did you eat something?" I asked.

"Yes baby I did. Where are you? Where's Alex?" He asked

"I'm going to meet my brother and Alex is with Xavier. They are playing Xbox." I said and he chuckled huskily making my breath hitched.

"Missed me?" He asked slowly. He knows he has his effect on me.

"Ofcourse I do." I said biting my lips imagining his reaction. I heard a loud grunt and I laughed.

"God baby you make me aroused." He said huskily as I giggled imagining his face now.

"Don't you getting late for your meeting?"  I said teasingly.

"Just one day and I will be with you next day laying beside you." He whispered and I giggled.

"Laters baby." I teased him and heard him chuckled before ending the call. I clutched my phone near my chest and blushed hard. Now I'm behaving like a teenager.

I restarted my car and drove to my brother's company. After driving for twenty mins I stop the car infront of Grayson's enterprise. I parked the car in the parking area before entering inside. The moment I entered they all greeted me as I smiled at them before going to the reception.

"Hello ma'am. What can I do for you?" The lady in the receptionist spoke smiling at me.

"Hello to you too. I'm here to see Jack Grayson." I said making her frown. She look at me head to toe before speaking.

"And may I know who are you?" She asked. Okay she's new here.

"Bella Grayson." I said making her eyes widen. She gulped in fear before speaking.

"I'm sorry Ms Grayson. I didn't know. Sir is in his office. You can go ma'am." She said apologetically.

"It's okay." I said and left. I entered in the elevator and punch the 33th floor as the elevator closed. After few mins elevator open and I walked out towards my brother's office.

I walked left and opened the door. My eyes widened when I saw the scene infront of me.

"What the hell is going on here?"


Hi guys!

Double update. I know but I can't stop myself from updating. I was disappear for almost a week so it's genuine that I need to update.

Okay guys I need some approval from everyone.

Last week I decided to give you guys a short story which will contain maximum twenty parts.

So do you people want it?

Do you want me to give you a new story?

If yes, then please comment below. I really really want to know your suggestions!

Much Love,

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