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Bella's PoV

"I will see you tonight." Mahir says as he walks out of the front door. I nod slowly.
"I love you." He says and places his lips on mine. I kiss him back with the same passion as his. He pulls away and I'm breathless.

"I love you." I I smile as he kisses my head one last time.

"Bye, buddy." Mahir said to Alex. Alex clutches to my leg as tear escape from his eye and Mahir face softened. "Bud--"Alex doesn't let him finish and run back upstairs. Mahir sigh heavily.

"Don't worry he will be fine." I say and places my hand on his shoulder. He nods sadly and sat inside the waiting car. I waved at him and stand there until the car disappeared. I sigh and closed the door properly before climbing upstairs.

When I enter, my eyes landed on Alex, who's laying on his bed, his face buried into the pillow as he sobs quietly. I smile, not because he's crying, because it's shows the love he had for his dad. It's overwhelming. I walk to his bed and places my hand on his back.

"Shhh..baby it's alright." I try to comfort him. It's so amazing that in this short time period he and Mahir created an amazing bond between them. "Daddy will be back tonight. He's just gone for the day, honey." I say caressing his hair.

"I want daddy." He states and his voice is muffled.

"He will come back, tonight. Just few hours." I assure him. "Come on get up. We will make something. Do you want pizza?" I ask him but he didn't reply.
"Fries? Momo? What do you want baby?" I asked.

"I want daddy." He says again. I can't help but sigh heavily.

"Sleep for sometimes." I sigh again and patted his back. I silently walk out of the room and shut the door quietly. Once out, I make my way towards my room and into the balcony.

The sun is blazing and the cool air hits my body making me cold. I breathe deeply and my shoulder slumps. My son, Mahir, My family....my thoughts were clouded with all these and suddenly I'm tired.

I remember those days when everyone were pitying me because Alex don't have a dad. They all used to be very careful around me, like not to mention Alex's dad or Mahir himself. But honestly Mahir never left my hand. Then later, I moved to London, got a job in a small dinner but didn't help me. Though I had my parents, I didn't want to depend on them, so I thought to make my own small business. But I don't think I will continue working here anymore if I move back to New York.
Yes, I decided that I will move back to New York with Mahir and start a new life with him and our son. A fresh start I suppose.

Something inside me feels like this day isn't going to end well. I have that giddy feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad is going to happen. I just hope Mahir comes back safely. If something happens to him....No! I shut my eyes tightly to push the thought away.


I finish making some cookies for Alex and make sure that they are set at a higher cabinet so that he can't reach it.

"Mommy! Can I have one? Please?" I hear Alex next to me and I roll my eyes. I knew it. I opened the box and give one to him. "Thank you, mommy. They're delicious." Alex says

"Mommy, daddy will come back right?" He asks out of the blue. I know he is afraid that he will end up without a father once again but he have to trust me and Mahir.

"Daddy. is. coming. back." I stress the word. "Daddy loves you so much and he wouldn't leave us. I promise he's going to come back." I promise.

"Daddy is a man and he have work to do. He will come back tonight and then.. we'll go with him" I admit.

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