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A/N: Guys if you still hadn't vote for me then, please go ahead if you really think I deserve it.

Double update!

Bella's PoV

Tears stream down my face as he finished talking. I don't understand how I love this man. I trusted him with everything in me and he left me and my son for five years because he's seen some stupid fake pictures.

"I know what I did is wrong Bella! I regret it more than anything and anyone. But I'm trying to make it up to you. Please give me a chance." He says and slowly raises his hand and places his palm on my cheek as his fingers caresses my skin. I slapped his hand away and stood up.

"I fucked up big this time! But please-" he started but I interrupted him.

"NO! NO! I will never forgive you Mahir! I can't. This is the reason you left me? This is the fucking reason you missed four years of you son's life? Is this the reason you cheated on me?" I shouted

"All these years I've been a mess. Everyday I used to try to figure out what did I do to ruin our relationship like this. I thought I was the one who was stupid. I always thought that a person like me shouldn't dream of being with someone like you. Its too good to be true. I trusted you Mahir. And you? You left me because you thought that I cheated on you?!" I screamed. I couldn't hold it anymore so I just let the tears fall out. I hate this. I hate the way my anger turns into sadness, my fury into tears.

"I know I'm sorry Bella I made a mistake..a big one. But--" I cut him in middle.

"You shouldn't have married me. You should have married someone who you trust. Like the bodyguard" I snapped

"I don't know what to do. I wasn't thinking straight. I was so fucking jealous and...and hurt." He whispered the last part. "You lied to me. You said you were spending time with Vish but you were with Mike!" He screams

"Don't you dare accuse me! Yes I was with Liam. I planned to meet Vish but she bailed in last moment because she had a date! So I called Mike. We were fucking shopping together. That's it." I say and turn away from him. He thought I will ever cheat on him with Mike? Only if he knew the truth.

"And we were buying gifts for you. Because your birthday was next week." I sob. I don't know how many times I cried today.

"You ruined everything." I said after few mins of silence

"I know" he replied quietly. He didn't said something after. I don't why but I feel he's hiding something more from me. Something else had happened.

Next day was disaster I was all over the tabloids and magazines and my parents didn't take that well. My dad is very furious about the whole situation. He called us over his place and right now I'm in kitchen making fruit cake for Alex.

"Mommy?" I hear my son voice

"In here" I call out. He walks inside the kitchen and wraps his tiny hands around my legs and immediately a smile appear on my face.

"What happened baby?" I asked still creaming the cake.

"I want to meet daddy" he said and I turn to look at his sad face.

"He's busy baby. He will come to dinner. Okay?" I ask but he pouted.

"Please mommy call daddy." He said with his cute puppy eyes and I melted. I can't say no to him. I pick my phone and dial Mahir number which he gave me. The phone rings and he picks it up after few rings.

"Bella?" His voice full of surprise. I hand the phone to Alex and he takes it from me and starts speaking.

"Daddy?.... I'm good. I Miss you. He says into the phone. "Can you come home please?" He begs and frowns hearing his answer. "But-..okay. bye" she sighed and handed me the phone.

"What happened is he coming?" I asked and he started crying.

"No. He's busy" he said and I wrap my hands around him.

"Sshh baby. It's okay. He will come later. Don't cry." I try to calm him. Mahir Alfonsi!  You Bastard! Making my son cry! I curse at him in my mind.

"Let's go to Grandpa's place?" I ask and he nodded excitedly.


"Dad, please I'm doing this for my son just like the way you would do for me." I say and he sigh frustratedly. I already explained everything to him.

"I want to talk to him." He says

"I won't mind if you punch him." I smirked and he laughed.

" I just hope you don't get hurt again. I hate seeing you suffer" he said and I hug him.

"Bella" I hear my mom voice and we both walked out of the study room. My mom is sitting in the living room with Alex asleep on her lap.

"What happened?" I asked and she pointed towards the television.

Once again the billionaire Mahir Alfonsi seen with a mysterious girl.

As we all know the heartthrob seen with his ex wife Bella Grayson but that doesn't seem to last long. He was seen with a mysterious girl. What happened to his ex wife? Are they once again together or he's playing with her.

The CEO of the Alfonsi.inc isn't able to decide who he wants to be with. Alfonsi divorced Bella five years ago but once again he seen with her few days back. But today he caught by our sources with a woman in a club.The sources also said that the woman was non another than Britanny James. Will Mahir be able to make up his mind? Let us know what you think.

"What the hell?" My dad shouts but carefully not to wake Alex up.

"What is this honey?" My mother ask

"What do you mean what is this?" I ask, my voice Horace as I try to keep myself from crying. "He will never change and I don't care who he's with." I said which is not a lie.

I pick Alex up and and said goodbye to my parents and silently placed Alex in the back seat. On my way back, my mind is full of thoughts.

I'm not at all upset that he's out with someone else. Liar! Okay, maybe a little upset but, fuck! How can he do this? He ditched his own son to go out with a woman but says words like ' you are all that matters to me.' Bastard!

Alex was so desperate to spend time with his dad but that jerk had another plan. If he still with that ex of his then why the hell he wants to come in our life. I'm so mad and sad as well. He once again cheated on me.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts but sometimes we didn't know what we are doing because we are blinded by someone else trap.

Try to put yourself in his shoes. What will you do when you will in the same situation.

Let me know if you guys want another chapter or not.

Votes and comments are gladly accepted! 🤗

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