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Bella's PoV

I was dreaming a beautiful dream of a normal life, like the most of the days I did.

I saw I was traveling around the world alone with no bodyguards and no danger. No one was there to tell me what to do. I was roaming around a street, eating ice cream.

Hmm...Ice cream was love.

But my dream shattered, as I felt something was tickling in my ear. I jerked my head for it to go away but it again started to tickle.

Bloody whatever, stay away from my precious ear.

I touched my ear sleepily to check what was it, but there was nothing. For almost half a minute, nothing happened. I sighed and snuggled closer to my fluffy pillow. Just as I thought, I could sleep peacefully now...

"Oh my...!"

Someone grabbed my feet and dragged me down, half of my body with one forceful tug.

I blinked my eyes to clear my vision and saw, an idiot was laughing his ass off bending down, clutching his stomach.

"Mike! You buffalo ass! What the fuck is wrong with you asshole?" I shouted at him at the top of my lungs. He almost gave me a heart attack.

"Language Bella!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

"Aww, is the sleeping beauty awake?"

He wept his tears that escaped his eyes because of laughing his ass off. "You should have seen your face.....oh god! It was so funny!" He started laughing again.

I clenched my jaw and my nostril flared. Whenever he came to wake me up, he didn't wake me up like a normal human being did. He always did something irritating! And when I ask him why does this he quoted

"That's what bestfriends for." The nerve of this guy. If I wasn't love him I would have killed him long time ago.

"Comeon on bel! I am hungry! Go and freshen up!" He said nudging me.

Someone kill me! He could be so annoying sometimes.

When I look at him properly I can see few cuts on his forehead and few on his neck when the events of last night come rushing into me. Last night was a nightmare. We were almost going to death if it wasn't of that brown eyes man who helped us though he just beat the shit of the boys who attacked us. I shivered at the thought.

"Back to Earth, fat lady." My bestfriend voice brought me back to reality.


"Go freshen up." He eyes me suspiciously but left the room.

I quickly did my daily routine and showered. After putting on my black over sized t-shirt and blue jeans, I made a messy bun and went downstairs.

I went downstairs and saw my mom was making breakfast. Her brown hair was tied up in a tight bun. Wearing a flower printed apron, she was flipping the pancakes on the pan. Delicious smell of food drifted through my nostrils. My mouth watered at the smell.

"Good morning mom!" I greeted, kissing her cheeks.

"Morning dear!" Mom smiled warmly at me.

I helped mom serving the dishes on the table. There was bacons, pancakes with strawberry syrup, french toasts and poached eggs. My stomach growled seeing this delicious foods.

"Where's dad mom?" I asked once I sat on my chair beside Mike. He was eating like he haven't had foods in months. I laughed at him but he kept his soul concentration on his breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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