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This chapter is dedicated to samaera202 for always commenting and increasing my strength.. Thank you girl!

Bella's PoV

"Make yourself comfortable, sir" I smirked and said in monotone which immediately wiped the amusement of his face but he plastered with a smirk.

His eyes assessing every details of my office with perfection in his eyes. After wondering over for few mins finally his eyes landed on me then to my lips and then down to my cleavage. Pervert!

"Eye up here sir" I said pressuring the word sir. I like annoying him.

Clearing his throat he sat infront me still looking directly into my eyes. There's a eye to eye challenge and ofcourse he won because I averted my eyes not wanting to feel the same tingling sensation inside me. Two buttons of his shirt are opened showing his bare chest. God knows I could have died and come back to life. He looked like either heavenly being or one of the Greek gods in Greek mythology preferably Hercules as the rays from the setting sun hit his beautiful face and reflected on his now revealed chest. No matter how much I have seen Mahir, he still finds a way to make me drool over him like a high school girl drooling over the hottest jock in school.

"How may I help you, sir" I said after gathering my strength not wanting to embarrass myself again infront of him.

"Well I need you to arrange a beautiful place and decorate it as beautifully as you can" he said in his business tone.

If he's playing business business then why don't me.

"Can you describe the occasion?" I asked knowing it would be his next charity gala or business party but his next word hit me like a bucket of ice.

"It's for my girlfriend. I'm deciding to propose her in the near future." He spoke as confidentiality as if he didn't blast the bomb just right now.

He's proposing? Who? Why?
He has a girlfriend?

Oh now everything clears what he mean when he spoke on the interview he's here for his women. Wow! Really wow he came after five years just to hire me to decorate a fucking place for his fucking girlfriend. The nerve of this guy.

I took a deep breath not wanting to let my tears fall infront of this bastard. As if on cue he already guess something is wrong with me. Clearing my throat I stood up without saying anything and strode my ways towards the couch infront of me. I took the scrap laying on the coffee table and put infront of him.

"Choose the design and if you have any place decided for the occasion inform my secretary" I said in monotone and thank god I didn't stuttered. If he think he still can hurt me then he's wrong. I don't love him. Not any more.

He look taken aback with my answer but composes himself. Instead of looking at the scrap book he stood up and now he was towering me with his chocolate brown eyes staring deep into my soul. My breath hitched seeing him so close to me after so many years and he still made my face fluttered with his single stare.
I take a step back and now I'm sandwiching between him and the table. He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me towards his chest.

"W-What are y-you doing?" I managed to asked but he didn't bulged. He keep staring at me. I was about to push him when his next step freezed me.

His lips were on me biting and sucking it hungerly and I'm just frozed unable to move my body. He stop his assault when I didnt kiss him back. I pushed him hard and turned my back to him unable to slow my heavy breath.

Mahir's PoV

Approaching her from behind, I pressed my body against her back, wrapping an arm protective around her waist and pushing her body more into mine. She gasped in surprise and I mentally groaned at the sound. My lips descended to the nape of her neck wanting to taste her delicious skin. I kissed her neck, leaving a wet trail all the way till I reached her earlobe.

"Mahir" she moaned softly and I tightened my hold on her, taking her love into my mouth and biting it. The bite made her neck arch her neck more, exposing more of her slender neck. I growled in her ear before I moved my nose to breath in her feminine soft addictive smell. Wanting more of her, I moved my mouth back to my favourite spot, the junction between her shoulder and neck.

I bit hard on her junction and she cried out almost breathless, pushing her head back to my shoulder. I smirked as her desire-filled, brown eyes met mine and I leaned in and sucked her bottom lip. Her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled on my lower hair and I turned her face fully to mine, kissing her deeply and having her lips on my mind after five long years. I groaned at her delicious taste which had a faint hint of coffee as I explored every curve of her mouth.

Bella pulled my hair tighter, trying to get me to let her go but I wasn't going to let her. I was having a taste of her after five fucking years, and I hadn't even had enough. I moved my hands to her hips, then to her flat stomach and finally her luscious breasts. I squeezed her globe tightly before my finger found her nipples.

I pressed my arousal more against her ass, letting her know the effect of her moans were having on me. The sly woman actually rubbed her ass slowly against my erection, making me groan out loud.

Damn woman!

"Bella, if you didn't stop rubbing your ass against me, then I'm going to bend you over and fuck you senseless" I growled in her ear, tightening my hold on her waist.


Okay let them continue their romance!

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