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Bella's pov

"Wakey Wakey baby" I shook my little boy gently. He giggle rubbing his eyes

"Morning mommy" he said kissing my cheeks making me pinch his chubby cheeks.

How I got so lucky to have this little man!

"Well by the man who broke your heart million times" my subconscious man reminded

That thought already make my heart drop.

"You ok mommy?" My little man asked driving me back to reality

"Yes baby. Common get up" I said picking him up towards bathroom.

Brushing his teeth and helping him in bath we got dressed and headed downstairs.

"What you want to eat baby?" I asked placing him on kitchen counter.

"Cookies" he said making me chuckled

"It's snacks baby. If you want to grow up you need to eat food." I said picking orange juice and placed it in two glass

"I'm big mommy" he said seriously

"Okay mommy's big boy. Now what you wanna eat" I asked

"Pancakes" he chirped making me laugh.
Later we ate pancakes enjoying the morning vibes. I need to hurry because today's the when charity organisation is going to held. And being the head of decorating department my presence is essential. After what feels like hour I drop Alex to his school and drive to my office.

Today's going to be a hectic day.


"Hurry up baby doll" Mike shouted from downstairs. He's really an impatient person. It's evening and we have to arrived there at 7pm. After dropping Alex to school I checked all arrangements for today. The most difficult part was hiring bartenders. But thankfully everything was perfect as planned.

I applied dark red lipstick and left my hair open with slight curl. I chose a deep burgundy off shoulder dress with matching earnings. The dress was actually fitted me like another skin.

"Are you coming or not?" He yelled again

"Few mins more" I said applying eyeliner and mascara. After satisfying with my look I wore my black pump and marched my way downstair where Mike was already standing there wearing black suit.

"You look beautiful" he compliment making me blush.

"Yes mommy you look beautiful" my son said hugging my legs

"Thank you baby. Now be a good boy and stay with Sophie. Mommy will be late don't wait for me" I said kissing his cheeks. Sophie is his nanny, whenever I need to go I left my son under her care. She's really a good girl probably in her 20s.

"Don't give him icecream. And make sure he sleeps before 10" I ordered to Sophie to which is nodded

"Shall we?" Mike asked slightly irritated with the scene.

"Bye baby don't bother Sophie much. Okay?" I kissed him

"Okay mommy" he said and ran upstairs


We arrived at the ball earlier than expected. It was crowded and few people were dancing as loud music play in the background. Mike left my side as we entered the hall to attend guest. I tried to find the head organiser of the ball but fail. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a curly haired man. He's so tall and he looks handsome. He gives me a tooth smile, showing his dimples. I smiled back.

"Hello. I'm Christian Black" he says, holding his hand out. I think twice before shaking his hand.

"Bella Grayson" I said and turned away from him to find jack. Without saying a word to the man behind me I walk towards Jack. As soon he notice me he stands up and hugs me.

"Where the hell is your mobile? I've been calling you" he yelled and I pulled away from him. Did I told you he's my brother.

Well, he is my brother. Jack Grayson

"Hello to you too, big brother" I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"How are you baby sis" he asked kissing the side of my head.

"I'm good"

"And what about my little monster" he asked

"He's with his nanny" I said and later we talked about our parents.

The next half an hour passes quickly as I met Jack's friends and colleagues. They all are friendly and it's fun to have them around. I recognised one of them as the man that I met when I came here. Christian his name was Christian. Right? Everyone was engaged in a conversation and Christian is looking at me. Or staring.

"You look beautiful." He says

"Thank you. So do you" I smiled and turned away to talk to him. I'm very bad in talking with men, unless they are close friend or family of mine.

"Bella--" Christian was cut off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope everyone is enjoying. To make this night more special I would like to introduce to you all, our special guest Tonight, Mr Mahir Alfonsi." The man with the micro phone says and my heart literally stops.

He's here. No No No!! He can't be here. He can't.


Pheww!! Finally I posted. I'm too lazy to write.

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