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Mahir PoV


"--So I want all of you to rethink about it before I put your plan in action." I paused and looked at everyone who are sitting infront of me with seriouness in their voice.

"You may leave" I spoke loud for everyone to hear me. They all left one by one leaving me and my assistant alone.

"Relax Mahir you need break" Brittany my secretary and ex said batting her eye lashes. I literally gagged seeing her face which is caked with make up.

"Cancel my all meetings. I'm going home earlier." I said and left the meeting room followed by that bitch. If not by her good devotion towards work I had already kick her out of my damn building. She's so annoying.

"What? But why?" She asked sitting across me in my cabin.

"First, I don't repeat myself. Second, I don't share my personal life with anyone else but if you insist, today's Bella and mine wedding Anniversary. " I said with a smile just thinking about her.

"Oh" she muttered but didn't say anything more.

"If you are done with investigating my personal life then Ms James, you may leave." I said with stern voice to which she nodded and left. Strange!

I decided to call my wife to check up on her. I know she's planning something and I can't wait to surprise her as well. I specially plan that for today. I know she's going to love it.

I called few times but it didn't connect. May be she's in library because that's the only place where network connection didn't work. After calling few more times I called my manager to ask about the surprise which I planned for my wife.

"Is the work has done?" I ask on call the moment he pick up.

"Yes sir. Everything is done as you told us. " He said and I muttered a thank you before hanging the call.

Just few more hours principessa.

After few minutes I totally buried myself in completing the pending work so nobody can disturb me when I'll be with my love. The thought of spending time with her alone already gives me tingling sensation. It's already two hours since I started signing paperwork. I didn't heard anything from Brittany in few hours It's not that I like her. I hate her with every ounce of mine. It's strange that she didn't irritate me this time which is totally not her habbit.

"Mahir" A knock on my door bring me out of my thoughts. What a timing.

"Come in" I ordered and she enter swaying her ass.

"There's a parcel for you, boss" she said handing me a white envelope with my name written in bold letters. Who might send me letter?

"Thank you, you can leave" I say. She flushes and nods before leaving my office. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes when she do that. I rip the envelope open. What is this and who is it from? I thought as I opened it.

Few pictures fell out of the cover and my eyes widened when I saw who's in the picture. Bella was with Mike and unlike always, they are kissing. And my first thoughts were, how can she do this to me?

There were more pictures of them making out in his house. One picture of them in bathroom and... No No she can't do this to me. She can't.

All these years, I loved her with all my heart. Nobody can love her or anyone, the way I love her. And here, she is going behind my back and sleep around like a whore, with her so called best friend. How can even she do this to me? Wasn't I enough for her? Wasn't I loving her and making her happy like every husband do?

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