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Mahir's PoV

I stared at her sleeping form. She has her arms around me clutching me tightly, too afraid to let me go. She is so innocent for this dirty world. I felt my insides tightened at the thought her getting hurt. Seeing her hurt is something, I can't afford. She is the first thing I want to think about. She has become my habit I don't plan on getting rid of. The day I touched her, I tasted her. I swear to god it was fucking hard not to take her there, the way she reacts to my touch, the way she squirms and shivers, make me feel something I may be afraid to feel.

Oh, love, what are you doing to me?

I wanted to let her be in my arms but I had things to take care of, so I slowly pulled the comforter back on her and kissing her forehead one last time, I exited the room.

"In my warehouse within thirty minutes." I said through phone and hang up. It's 6:00 am now. I have to get back before she wake up.

I took my keys and left the house making sure to lock it properly. I look around and saw everyone in their position.

"Any problem, boss?" Tyler, head of the security asked me once he noticed.

"Nothing. I'm leaving for an important work. Will home till eight." I said and he nodded. He opened the door for me and I sat inside starting the engine.

"Guard them with your life." I said and drove off. If isn't important then I would never leave them.

I reached to the warehouse I owned at the outskirt of the city. I bought this place for business purpose.

True to my words, Xavier arrived at the thirtieth minute, walking with his pants on and shirt half buttoned. I was glad about the amount of trust I have on my men. They know well to respect me, besides Xavier, he was the only one who somehow managed to get on my nerves! But he was the only one who knows everything about me, we were like brothers. I trusted him with my life. So I need him in this matter.

"Zip up your pants, Xavier." I said pointing at it.

"I was in middle of something you know?" He said cocking his eyebrows. He and his stupid jokes.

"Do you think I care?" I said and sat on my chair. I motioned him to sat. When he looked how serious I was he remained quite.

I told him about the anonymous call, those texts and the flowers. I also told him whom I suspect. I can't believe he will get to this level to destroy me. I know what happened with him was something no one should suffer. But he have to understand this that I wasn't to blame. What happened ten years ago was not my fault. I-I wasn't to be blame. How could I make him understand?

"Christ!" He exclaimed angrily, "I'm going to fucking kill that bastard."

The next two hour went by discussing the plan on how to find him. I called my detective and told him to find Luke. I was so busy in the meeting that I didn't saw the time. My phone rings and Bella name flashes on my screen.

"Hello-" she didn't let me finish.

"Where the hell you are?" She yelled over the call. I gulped sensing how angry she was now.

"I will be home in few." I said and look at my watch. It's 10:37 am.

"No need. We are going to my mother's home. I will be home by evening." She said and my brain was quick to respond.

"No." I yelled. I can't let her go wherever she want. I don't want to take risk when I know he is after my wife. Not now when I know we have another one coming on the way.

"What? Why? Alex wants to meet his grandfather and I too. Don't worry I have those annoying bodyguards." She said assuring me but something else is holding me back.

"But-" I tried to say but she stopped me.

"Mahir, please. Alex will get upset. It's just the matter of few hours. And I will give you update every hour." She said and I thought for a second before agreeing. I call all the guards whom I assigned to guard my family and send them behind her. After making sure everything was fine I walk back to my penthouse to collect some of my files.

I reached their and saw the door was open and some sounds were coming from inside. I got alert and took out my gun, I walk inside not to made much noise. Sound was coming from the bedroom and I followed it. I entered inside and the scene i saw was enough to make me in disgust.

"What the hell are you doing inside my property?" I yelled at her. But her face remain still. Britanny was there lying half naked on my bed.

This girl has the nerve to fucking strip inside my room.

"Why didn't you pick up my call, baby?" She asked moving towards me. I growl at her and push her back.

"Why are you here?" I asked again, feeling irritated with her presence.

"I love you, Mahir." She whines and I shiver in disgust.

"I don't love you. I never will. You are my friend," I cringe mentally before continuing "that's it, I can't give you anything more."

"Come on Mahir, I know you love me." She leans to kiss me.

"I don't!" I shout and push her away. "I don't love you. I love Bella and I will only love her." I scream at her. I pushed her against the wall. "You listen to me carefully,  don't try to come between us. You can't do anything because I love her and she loves me. You got that?" I scream at her face and she nods in fear. I push myself away from her.

"Get out of my property." I yelled and she immediately left.

"Fuck" I cursed. I sat down on the bed when my phone buzzed. I look at the screen and it is an unknown number.

"Hello?" There's no response and I ask once again.

"She's mine." That's what I heard before the person ended the call.

What the fuck! What the actual fuck?

I call the same number but it goes to voice mail. I called Bella and that goes to voice mail as well. I call Bella's mother. She answer the call at first ring and I heard Alex voice. I sigh in relief. Bella is there. She's safe.

"Mahir?" I hear Bella's mother.

"Is Bella there?" I asked just to make sure.

"No she went to get some groceries." She says and my breath hitched. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. Yeah." I lie. "I will call you again." I said and hang up. I get a text from another number and when I read it, my world falls apart.

"This is to inform you that your dearest wife is with me. Don't worry I won't hurt her not until when you will feel the same pain I went through."

Yours worst nightmare.


Oh fuck! She's kidnapped. Our Bella is being dragged in a mess.

What do you guys think, Mahir will do? Will he able save her or will lose her,once again?

Five more chapters are left!

Do votes and comment for the chapter!

Much Love,

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