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Bella's PoV

I stood infront of the window watching the birds feeding their babies. I was overwhelmed, having an another baby was surely a blessing for me. I have got discharged from the hospital earlier in the morning and now, I'm back home with Mahir and Alex. I didn't tell about my pregnancy except for Mike and vish.

I'm afraid.. I don't know why but I'm afraid. I didn't forgot about the call and what that person said. His words were still rang in my mind. I already lost him once but not again. I have to tell him about the call. This isn't just about me. I'm not alone now, there's a human growing inside me.. and..I don't want to lose my baby.

"Thinking about me!" I jumped hearing the voice and clutched my chest to control my breathing.

"You scared me." I said looking at him but he just shrugged and circle his hand around my waist and pull me close to him. He pressed himself on me and I blushed realising how hard he is.

"Fuck, what are you doing to me, princess." He said huskily caressing my back.

"Mahir-" he didn't let me finish by placing his lip on mine. His lips graze mine and his tongue enteres my mouth. I feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach as he continue to kiss me "so sweet." He says against my lips and resume kissing me.

"Alex's can hear us." I said pulling away and he frown.

"He's sleeping." He said and I nodded and walk towards the bathroom

"Where are you going?" He asked frustratedly. I laughed at him.

"Shower." I said and shut the door behind me, making sure not to lock it.

I stood under the shower and closed my eyes as I feel relax. I heard door open and shut.

"Need help?" I heard him say and I blushed.

He pulls me to him and cups my cheek before kissing my lips. He pulled up my dress and unclasped my bra, letting it fall on floor. His finger brushed the lining of my panties and then he hooked his fingers in those and tugged them downwards, allowing me to step out of those. His fingers traced my bare leg, my hip and the side of my breasts as he got up. His gaze following them. When his eyes met mine, I shivered at the lust in them. His eyes getting lost in mine. He take a few steps closer. A shiver ran through my body at the feel of his cold fingers under my chin. My breath hitched as his soft lips brushed mine.

"Princess.." his breath fanning my lips and they parted involuntarily.

"Kiss me.." I whispered softly.

His lips met mine lovingly. I immediately followed his need, moving my arms around his neck. I felt the jolt of pleasure straight to my core as his tongue slipped inside. He slipped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer, holding me tightly against his body.

We pulled apart when I was out of breath. Mahir let my body wet under the shower as he stood there naked watching me, as the water droplets fell on my head, trailing down on my shoulder, on the curves of my breast hardening my nipple, Mahir's hungry eyes gaze at my body making it hot. He take the body wash rubbing them, creating foam. His hands touched my shoulder and he gently rubbed the foam washing my body. He pinched my nipple making me moan in pleasure.

He bend down, his face was exact infront of my core. I clenched his shoulder when I felt him touch my stomach.

"Hello there, Angel." He said rubbing my stomach. I smiled looking at him talking to our baby. I stroke his hair when I feel him kissing my belly and down. He stopped just above my core and I groaned in disappointment.

"You like it?" He asked

I opened my eyes and look down "wh—ah." I gasped when I felt him touching my core.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked

When I didn't said anything he stopped and began getting up. I halted his hand and pressed it in between my legs.

"Fuck!" He groan loudly, and I let go of his hand. A wave of pleasure washed my senses when his finger enter inside me. I moaned loudly clutching his hair and he start moving in and out.

"I need you. Now." He said huskily and got up washing my body with the water. In a minute I was in his lap and he carries me to the bedroom. The moment my back hit the soft bed he sucked my breast making me breath heavily.

His lips hungrily met mine, his tongue traced my lips, wetting it and then sucking them. My desire increased as I saw his erection, the nerve across his throbbing. I reached out with one hand and wrapped my fingers around his bare erection.

"Fuck.." A sharp hiss came from Mahir's mouth as I move my fingers slowly.

Mahir dropped his head back as be swallowed and moaned out loudly as I moved my fingers faster.

"Oh fuck this, I need to be inside you..." He groaned and pushed inside me. I gasped at the feeling of his length filling me.

"Fucking tight." He cursed.

He slipped out of me and then slammed, making me dig my fingers in his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me as his speed increased.

"God, yes" I shouted and moved a little causing him to hiss sharply as his eyes shit.

His eyes darkened as he slammed his hips roughly.

"Fuck me.." Mahir dropped his head in the crook of my neck as he bit on my shoulder making me moan loudly.

"You like it rough, don't you? You like when you clenched around my bare dick, don't you?" He hissed in my ear.

His dirty words causing me to throw back my head in pleasure.


Mahir lifted my leg and threw it over his shoulder and slipped out completely before slamming into me. The new position made me sprang up from the bed.

"Oh my god..." I cried at the dept. He went to the new position. Mahir's thrust continued wildly. I couldn't describe the feeling forming at my core.

"You want to come, yes love?"

I nodded as my core clenched around him making him moan loudly.

"Fuck Bella..."he slammed thrice hard and that was enough for me to fall apart around him. He stilled inside me at the feeling and then I felt his warm liquid filling my core.

"Shit!" He cursed as he continues to fill me.

We both lay there as our breathing came to normal. He lay next to me, panting. I tried to form words to describe how I felt there weren't any word slipping out. I curled around his chest as his hand pulled me more closer and rubbed my back. I relaxed under his touch.

I gasped as his finger pressed against my nipple. I peeped up at him to find him smiling at me,

"Ready for round two?"

Oh, Christ!


Happy birthday, once again dear..Debs_S_Bhatt ♥️🤗

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