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okay listen, i'm not a psychopath. well i mean, i guess i am, judging the circumstances, but i'm not that much of a psychopath.

on a scale of 1-10, i rate myself a 6, easily.. on a bad day, maybe an 8..

i'm really not that bad at all, just when i'm provoked or get triggered, i can get very out of hand.

but, i'm very easily triggered.

enough about that, though, trust me, i'm not an entire psychopath, okay? end of discussion.

now let's start at the start, how i ended up here...

i stared down at my bloodied shirt, still out of breath and angry, while the tight handcuffs on my wrists were starting to hurt, and i sat on the curb by a police car.

i always knew i was going to end up in jail, my mother never went a day without telling me. "si tu continuas asi, acabaras en prision." (if you continue like this, you'll end in prison)

of course i never listened, i didn't want to, i didn't care to.

i watched as the paramedics carried my victim into the ambulance, on a stretcher, praying that  she survives, because i refuse to do life for murder when killing her wasn't even my intention.

well, maybe it was, slightly, but that's what she gets, she should've never provoked me. everyone knows not to provoke aracely cruz. you're stupid and crazy if you choose to.

a white, balding officer stood in front of me, helping me stand up. "i'm going to pat you down, alright?" he asked, seeming intimidated by me, which was amusing, because he had to be in his forties, at least, intimidated by a 16 year old.

i knew i was fucked, because i has at least 8 bottles of pills in the pockets of my sweatpants, that i was supposed to sell, and was on the way to, before i got wrapped up in this mess.

the officer pat down my body, starting at my arms and moving down, until feeling something in my pocket and pulling out the bottles filled with pills.

he looked at me, and i looked back, locking eye contact with him, my face remaining emotionless and still, while he hesitated, stumbling over his words before he spoke. "uh, i.."

he looked over at another officer on the scene, and yelled out. "can i get a bag over here?"

i didn't speak, nor did my facial expression or body language shift, i just stood there, patiently, until eventually, they assisted me into the backseat of the car, getting in front and beginning to drive away.

and by assisted, i mean at first they aggressively shoved and pushed me, until i started screaming and lashing out, shouting at them to handle me properly, then they carefully helped me in, not saying anything.


the color orange doesn't suit my skin tone whatsoever, and these pants don't fit me well, let alone all the stares i'm getting from everyone and every cell as i pass.

i remained quiet, my face now holding an annoyed look to it as the officers handcuffed me and led me through the facility, while we walked through the halls full of cells, and i noticed cells with 3 or 4 people in them, some cells with boys and girls in them.

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