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gonna be a bit of an asshole and
leave you guys with a cliffhanger LOL

i sat on the grass, right in front of the fountain, watching the water splash and ripple gently, and looking into it to see coins at the bottom from people throwing them in, in the past.

i watched a yellow and black butterfly flutter towards me and sit on my leg, and i glanced down at it for a moment before i looked up at the sky, which the sun was disappearing from and was forming a purple and pink hue.

"i could stay here the rest of my life." jahseh said lowly, and i smiled at his words, being sure there were no butterflies on his shoulder before leaning against it.

"when i die, i wanna be buried here, or nearby." i said calmly, and i felt his head turning to look at me, but i didn't react or look back up to him.

he didn't speak, though, which i was grateful for, because death wasn't a topic i wanted to discuss in depth while we were in such a pretty, happy place.

we sat in silence for the next hour, or so, and by then, many of the butterflies on jahseh had flown away, leaving just the two of us, under the darkening sky, watching the water flow from the fountain.

"ary?" he asked, and i hummed in response as i continued to watch the water crash and ripple. "how come you've never told me about your past?"

i lifted my head from his shoulder, sighing softly and feeling my mind go through a recap of memories before i spoke. "there isn't much of a past to tell about," i shrugged, pulling my legs up and wrapping my arms around them.

"everything that was, i left in the past. i was reborn, and i don't speak of the past because i don't live in it anymore."

he was quiet, and i glanced over at him to see him staring at me, which made me let out a quiet laugh and shake my head. "what?"

"i like the way your mind works." he said simply, continuing to stare at me, and i looked away from him and back at the fountain before i spoke.

"i learned from the best." i said calmly, grabbing his hand and holding it gently in mine.

"speaking of pasts," i went on, looking down at his tattooed hand in mine. "you still never told me about your ex."

there was a moment of silence before he let out an exhale, and then began pulling himself up from the ground, which sent the last few butterflies all over him flying away.

he pulled me up by the hand, and wrapped an arm around me as we walked back along the path we'd came from, presumably back to the car, and i took this response as him letting me know he still wasn't going to tell me about it.

he opened the car door on my side for me, and held my hand as i got in, then shut it for me and went around to his side, while i watched him quietly and calmly, analyzing his actions.

once he sat, and shut the door beside him, he turned and faced me, which a calm expression on his face.

"what do you wanna know?"


i sat on the same, plastic bed of the doctors office as i did a week prior, calmly waiting for the doctor to come in, while jahseh sat in the seat beside me and scrolled through his phone.

i felt my palms sweating and my heart slightly racing, though i was unsure why, or what i was scared of.

the idea that i might actually face being pregnant, that i might actually be bearing a child in me, and be a mother, didn't scare me much.

deep down, if anything, it excited me. i always wanted children, just so i could raise them in a saw, loving environment and show them different than i was given.

i looked up as the door opened, seeing doctor bernard walk in with a smile on her face and a bunch of papers in hand.

"hi guys, how are you?" she asked, offering her hand for us to shake, which we both did.

"good." i answered for the both of us, a simple smile on my face, despite the stressed complaints coming from the voices in my head.

"glad to hear it. i've got the results to all the tests you took last week here," she said, gesturing to the bunch of papers in her hand. "i thought i'd just give them to you two, let you guys look over them and answer any questions you might have."

she passed the papers to me, and i looked down at the papers before i looked back up at her, only to see her walking out of the room, and i let out a sigh before glancing over at jahseh and back at the papers.

i glanced at the paper on top, and then handed it to him, childishly covering my eyes. "you read it and tell me what it says."

he let out a breath of a laugh, taking the paper and silently reading it for a moment, while i kept my eyes covered, and he let out a loud laugh, making me uncover my eyes and look over at him.

"what does it say?" i asked, tucking some hair behind my ear and biting my inner lip, and he glanced up at me and then my stomach.

"told you."


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