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"i know i told you very clearly i didn't want anything." i sighed, looking over at jahseh and then down at the small, wrapped box in my hands.

"i know i told you very clearly i wasn't gonna listen." he returned, making me sigh before getting up from my seating on the floor and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"thank you, jah." i said softly, placing a gentle peck on his cheek, and as soon as i turned back around, he wrapped his arms around me, before lowering his head to the crook of my neck.

"open it, i wanna see your reaction." he said, making me furrow my eyebrows as to what exactly could be in there to garner a reaction from me.

i shook it off, and began to pull off the wrapping, while he stood behind me, arms around me, and watching down on my movements.

i was met with a small, black box, with no writing or label on it, which made me scrunch my face up in confusion before shaking the box around and hearing a semi-heavy object move around in the box.

"what's in here?" i asked jahseh, turning to face him, and stokeley rolled over from where he laid on the floor, to face us and speak sarcastically.

"maybe if you opened it, you'd find out."

i smacked my lips, flipping him off before i looked back down at the box and pulled the cover off, and then the filling papers inside, to see a set of car keys inside, making me furrow my eyebrows before dropping my jaw.

"jahseh fucking onfroy." i said, looking up at him, and he smirked before sitting back down on the couch and raising an eyebrow nonchalantly.


"you didn't."

"oh but i did." he returned, continuing to smirk as i sat into his lap and wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace, only to straighten up and slap him in the face just as quickly as i'd embraced him.

"owww, ary what the fuck?" he complained, rubbing his now-sore face, and glaring at me.

i poured and crossed my arms, upset with his more than poor listening skills. "i told you not to get me anything and you got me an expensive ass car."

he rolled his eyes, before tapping my thigh, signaling for me to get up and then getting up after me, before taking my hand in his and leading us to the front door, before opening it and leading me outside, to face the car.

in front of me, was a white, 2018 mercedes benz c-class, which seemed to glow and shine in front of me, though that was quite obviously just a figment of my imagination from my awe.

i wrapped my arms around jahseh, and just stood there, staring at the car in amazement and joy, before cupping jahseh's face and pulling him into a passionate kiss, in which our lips seemed to travel in sync, and steadied each other.

he bit onto my bottom lip, and i granted permission, opening my mouth ever so slightly in an attempt to tease him, an attempt that was run short when he forced his tongue into my mouth, making me stifle a laugh as i proceeded to kiss him, raising my arms to around his neck.

"y'all might as well fuck on the car." stokeley interjected, which made us pull away and made my face flush before i pulled away from jahseh fully and looked at the car.

"i cant even get in because of xiorra's big ass." i complained, though i let out a laugh, which was equally returned by jahseh, and he shook his head.

"she'll be out in a couple weeks, don't worry."

i smiled, before placing another kiss on his lips and looking at the car in the bright morning sky, before laying my head into his chest and letting out low, whisper like words.

"i love you, forever."


"ary, your new year's resolution better be to stop being a dickhead." coolie teased, to which i only rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"i cant, i think it's like genetic." i shrugged, to which everyone in the room laughed, and stokeley spoke up. 

"can y'all imagine how crazy and rude xiorra gone be?" he asked, rubbing his face as if in distress. "the first time she puts her hands on me i'm moving out."

laughter rocketed around the room, as everyone continued to joke around and hold conversation, while the clock was ticking, 10 minutes to midnight and a new year, one that everyone seemed to have high expectations for.

i, myself, had no expectations for the year, as every other year i had none. i could only hope it wouldn't be a shitty year, but that was only a hope, and i couldn't invest in it too much, otherwise it would end up jinxed, and be even shittier than imaginable.

though i would've been fully invested in, and happily surrounded by, the good time around us, with all of the jokes, conversation and positive energy radiated by the members only group, it was quite cut short, due to the pair of eyes that'd been glued to me since they'd entered the house.

as summoned to my thoughts, i glanced up from my cup, looking over my legs, which were laid on jahseh's lap, and up at isaiah, who was staring at me intently, though the look on his face was unreadable, and i didn't want to attempt to read it, either.

i, instead, turned my attention to the tv, which was broadcasting times square, in new york, as they awaited the ball to drop, and just as soon as i'd done so, the television anchorwoman spoke.

"and the countdown begins, we're 60 seconds away from 2019!" she announced, earning a cheer from the audience around the cameras, but only a deeper, harsher stare from isaiah, who was now boring holes into my head with his stare.

as time ticked, and seconds passed, he continued to stare at me, until the countdown began at 10, and everyone in the room began to count, and i looked away from him, while he did the same, and just as if nothing happened, began to count down carelessly and nonchalantly.

"3.. 2.. 1.. happy new year!"

hi guys, how are you?

question: how'd you find this book? i wanna know:)

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