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i keep typing "nigga" in aracely's thoughts/words and then remembering she cAnT say that bc she's 'white skinned' 😔✋🏽

eventually, stokeley and kaya just left us alone.

like literally, stopped talking to us and let us just be together, with no comments, no care, nothing.

and we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"who's aiden?" i asked, as i sat beside him and read the tattoos on his arm. i'd been wondering for a while who aiden and cleopatra were, but i hate to ask questions.

he looked down at his tattoo for a while, and then spoke. "my little brother."

i nodded, tracing the letters on his arm gently. "hey, jah?"

he looked down at me, but i didn't look at him. "how come you don't treat me like you treat everyone else?"

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"you don't say a word to no one but me. you don't touch anyone or let anyone touch you... but you talk to me.. you're nice to me, you don't mind when i hug you or lay next to you.. why?" i asked, finally looking up at him to see him looking at his hands.

he slightly clenched his jaw, and then shrugged. "i don't know, i guess you're just special."

i bit my inner lip, and then played with my hair, twisting it around. "how so?"

i hate to ask too many questions, but i had to know, i've never seen someone switch up so fast and so easily for someone else before. it was new to me, and intriguing.

"i don't know, when i first saw you i could tell you was just.. different. your energy's unmatched. i stared at you so much cause i was tryna read you, tryna figure you out, and i couldn't." he said, making me look up at him. "i feel this connection with you, its so weird. i just know.. i won't hurt you. ever."

i shoved him aside. "ew, too soft." i said, with a giggle, and he looked hurt by my reaction, but he covered it with a smile.

"you're different too, that's what i like about you. you make me feel comfortable." i assured him, tugging on one of his dreads gently.

he smiled genuinely this time, nodding his head, and he looked me in the eyes deeply.

it's weird, and it almost scares me, cause i don't want to get attached to him. i refuse to, i can't ever let myself get attached to someone again, and i don't know when he's leaving, but i do know when he leaves, i'll probably never see him again.

i can't risk getting my heart hurt by a friend.

i broke the eye contact, getting up and taking out some of my papers to do some schoolwork. it's a lie for him to say he won't hurt me, because if we keep it like this, it'll hurt me whenever he leaves.

and i'll be all alone, again.


just as i put my tray down, i heard a bunch of noise and commotion, and i looked around the cafeteria, seeing a huge huddle of people, screaming and chanting, and i realized what was going on.

of course, there's a fight.

being my nosy self, i decided to try and peek and see who was fighting. i knew i'd barely get a chance to see because i wasn't very tall, especially considering some of the male inmates were around 6 feet tall, but i still wanted to try.

turns out, my height became my advantage, as i slipped through the crowd, and found myself right in front to see jahseh beating some dudes face in.

my eyes went wide, and i didn't know if i should try to stop it or leave. who knows what might happen if i try to break it up, he could end up hitting me, and then he'd get his ass fixed by a girl.

all jokes aside, i didn't want to get in between, because i know whenever i fight, i have a tendency to swing on anyone trying to get in between or break it up.

i let out a sigh, and i turned around and forced myself through the crowd, walking away. i didn't like to see jahseh like this, and i could just tell he was capable of so much more than just beating someone up.

just as i got away from the scene, stokeley came up to me, panicky, and grabbed my arm, which made me yank it back.

"jah's fighting!" he said, trying to pull me towards the commotion once again.

"i know this." i said lowly, once again releasing my arm from his grip, and he stopped, looking at me with confusion.

"you're not gonna try to do anything?"

"what can i do? i'm a little ass girl, you should be the one breaking it up." i countered, crossing my arms.

he seemed like he was about to say something, but he thought better of it, and instead went into the mix of people, while i stood there, not sure what to do with myself at all. i didn't want to go back to the table, and i lost my appetite at this point, so i just stared at the huddle of people.

eventually, i saw stokeley drag a screaming jahseh back, who's hands were covered in blood. i watched jahseh smear the blood that was on his heads on his face, and then on his jumpsuit, and it made me sick to my stomach.

the sight of it was terrifying, honestly, and it made me take a step back.

he's a fucking psychopath.

i looked down at the guy he was fighting, and he was just laying there, bloody, not moving. some blood was leaking from his mouth, and his body was sprawled in an awkward position.

oh fuck no.

i backed up, and then slowly began walking back to the cell, even though we were supposed to be in the cafeterias, i needed to get away from that.

the fuck kind of shit did i just witness?

the image of jahseh, bloody, angry and screaming, was embedded deep in my mind, and i couldn't shake it out or unsee it.

i take back everything i said, i've gotta stay away from this kid.


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