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5 updates in one day, i might be god fr.
someone stop me before i double update again in a couple hours LMFAO

i felt jahseh's large, rough hand wipe the tears away from my face, while i sat against the wall, groaning at the pain in my abdomen and the wave of nausea that was returning.

"aracely, you gotta stop being difficult and just go to the doctor." he said firmly, which only made me groan louder and made more tears fall from my eyes.

"not gon lie," stokeley began, sipping from a bottle of hennessy while he leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. "you being a little dramatic, ary."

i would've said something, but the pain worsened, making me groan even louder and lean my head on jahseh, who sat there helplessly, not sure what to do aside from hold onto me and try to convince me to go see a doctor.

"tu me hiciste esto!" (you did this to me) i complained to jahseh, whining loudly. "you probably shifted my organs."

my words, which were entirely serious and full of agony, made stokeley laugh, and this time i gave him a glare, which silenced him and made him raise the bottle up to his lips again.

"do you want me to get you some advil or something?" stokeley asked calmly, and i shook my head, swallowing back the throw up threatening to emerge from my mouth.

"ibuprofen is poison." i said flatly, which made the two look at me with concern, before stokeley put his hands up in surrender and walked out of the bathroom, defeated.

"aracely, we're going to the doctor." jahseh declared, and i couldn't even argue with him, despite how badly i wanted to, because my body threatened to vomit if i opened my mouth to speak.

i nodded my head weakly, while jahseh helped me up, flushing the toilet that was full of throw up and helping me back into the room to get dressed.

"tengo calor." (i'm hot) i complained, attempting to pull off the sports bra i had on, only for jahseh to move my arms away.

"ary, you cant go to the doctor naked." he said firmly, which made me whine as i felt my body grow hot, as if i was sitting right beside a heater.

i sighed, pulling on the shirt he handed to me and then standing up, my abdomen feeling as if i had knives stuck in it, and made my way out of the room with jahseh's help.

"if the doctors kill me, it's your fault." i whined dramatically, as i slipped into my slides by the door and pulled my hair up into a ponytail, in hopes to cool myself off.

he ignored my words, grabbing his keys from the coffee table and walking out of the house, leaving me to follow him as we both got into the car, and he started the car.

"so, once again, how much do you wanna bet that you're pregnant?" he asked calmly, buckling in his seatbelt.

i glared at him as i did the same, and didn't speak, mainly because i didn't want to say anything crazy, rude or disrespectful, or strike another car fight.

he only laughed at my facial expression, before backing out of the driveway and beginning the drive, while i leaned my head against the window and tried to somehow suppress the pain in my abdomen with the power of my mind.

of course, it wasn't working.

i sighed, hearing the voices in my head chatter about absolute nothingness, and thinking back to the pill in the bathroom medicine cabinet that i'd taken.

it managed to suppress the voices in my head entirely, and give me peace for an entire day, which was such an odd feeling to me, and while it left me feeling alone and empty because i'd grown so used to the voices in my head, i couldn't help but want more.

it gave a feeling that made me want more of it, not for the peace, but for the fun of it.

a fix.

i opened my eyes to feel the car stop moving, and looked up to see the urgent care building ahead of us, making me groan lowly, unwanting, but without argument or complaint, i unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, along with jahseh.

"what're some cute baby names?" he asked, scratching his head in thought, which earned a smack in the head from me as i smacked my lips.

"i'm not pregnant." i said, rolling my eyes as i walked beside him, the pain in my stomach slightly lessened, and we made our way to the building.

"we'll see." he shrugged, holding open the door for me and then walking in behind me, where we approached the front desk.

he did all the talking, while i stood there blankly, staring at the woman at the front desk, who seemed to be a little too interested in his words, and was staring at him a little too much, for my liking.

he started to fill out a paper quickly, while i watched his hand move and guide the pen along the paper, though he was only drawing circles, over and over again, which made me shut my eyes for a moment and open them.

yet when i opened my eyes, they were gone, and they were words and letters, which made me huff quietly before watching him hand the papers back to the woman at the desk and then hold onto my hand, guiding me to take a seat with him in the waiting room.

i shut my eyes, seeing the image of the paper covered in pen-inked circles still in my mind, and i furrowed my eyebrows slightly before opening my eyes and glancing around the room calmly.

what am i seeing?


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