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i basically carried him into the room after our bath and helping him brush his teeth, and laid him down on the bed, pulling the sheets over him gently as his eyes slowly shut.

"no te duermas." (don't go to sleep) i said, shaking his arm gently. his eyes fluttered open and he kept them open, yet stayed quiet.

"you have to eat," i told him, caressing his face gently as he looked up at me quietly, and just nodded. "que quieres comer?" (what do you wanna eat?)

he shrugged his shoulders lazily, and i sighed before standing up. "i'm gonna give you some tea, and then i'll make you something to eat." i said, rubbing his arm before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

kaya sat at the island, but for once, the voices in my head were completely silent, as they had been since i saw him, and i felt too exhausted, both mentally and physically, to even think or say anything of her.

i started to boil the water for the tea, and looked through the cabinets for some rice, finding it and placing it on the counter, when i bumped directly into kaya, making me almost drop what was in my hands.

she backed up nervously, putting her hands up in surrender, which made me look at her like she was crazy until she spoke. "i'm sorry, um, is jahseh okay?"

i nodded my head, putting the rice down on the counter and pouring the now-boiling water into the mug with the tea packet in it. "he's fine, as fine as he can be at a time like this." i said, sighing as i stirred the tea in the cup.

she nodded her head, continuing to watch me, which was making me uncomfortable, and i just sighed, putting another pot of water to boil for the food i was about to make and then walking back to the room with the tea for jahseh.

he sat up, now, on the bed, and stared into nothingness, and i watched him for a moment until he looked up at me, taking the cup of tea from my hands and putting it up to his mouth.

"ten cuidado. it's hot." (be careful) i said, only for him to ignore me and drink it, straight as it was, with no reaction.

i sighed, walking back out of the room and into to kitchen once again, where kaya had returned to sitting at the island. i looked down at the water that was boiling, and then back at her, but she wasn't paying me any mind.

i don't trust this trick ass bitch.

i grabbed a spoon, taking a spoonful of the boiling water and putting it into the spoon, before walking over to her and handing the spoon to her. "what?" she asked, holding it and looking at me in confusion.

i continued to stare at her blankly, because i thought it was pretty self explanatory what i wanted her to do.

"drink it." i said in a 'duh' tone, and she furrowed her eyebrows but followed my demand, drinking the bit of hot water from the spoon and continuing to look at me.

"did you put something in that? are you gonna hurt me?" she asked, and i scrunched up my face at her genuinely scared behavior and words.

"why would i do that?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows as i put the spoon into the sink and tired back to the boiling water, pouring some rice into it. "did you put something in that?"

she scrunched up her face as i looked back at her, shaking her head, and then answered my original question. "because you hate me, that's why. why do you think i would-"

i cut her off my putting my hand up, tired of hearing her voice at this point, and went back to what i was doing, sighing as my eyes burned with tiredness. i continued to stir the rice around as the water boiled around it and it softened, and once again kaya got up and stood beside me.

jeez bitch, leave me alone.

i glanced over at her, and then back at what i was doing, pouring out some of the water and staring to pour in the milk.

"what's that?" she asked, pointing into the pot as i stirred, and i proceeded to ignore her.

she sighed, watching as i finished up and began pouring it into a bowl, and she stood beside me. "do you hate me?" she asked, as i pulled a spoon out of the drawer and picked up the bowl.

i looked at her for a moment, seeing her pleading, upset eyes and the desperation for a good answer, reading deep into them and seeing her sadness and worry.

"yes." i said flatly, turning around and walking away.

i got back into the room, sitting on the bed beside jahseh and passing him the bowl, which he looked at in confusion and then glanced back at me, and i just looked at it assuringly and then looked back at him.

"what is this?" he asked, making me smack my teeth and cross my arms.

"food. come." (eat) i commanded, and he gave me a blank face before taking a small bit onto his spoon and putting it into his mouth.

his facial expression softened, which made me assume he enjoyed it, and my assumptions were confirmed when he took another spoon, this one full, and put it into his mouth.

"thank you." he said, halfway through the bowl, and i glanced at him, nodding my head as i admired his beauty and facial expressions, remaining quiet for a moment.

"you're welcome, my love."

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