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"hmm?" i answered, keeping my focus on the bed sheets that were currently being fixed by me, while jahseh leaned against the wall.

he sighed at my response, and approached me, wrapping his arms around me from behind, making me pull away and huff slightly, returning to what i was doing. "jah, move."

he groaned, and just as soon as the bed was fixed he sat on it, making me roll my eyes at him before i started to walk away from him, heading over to the other side of the room and picking up his clothes, that sat scattered all over the floor.

"ary, stop," he demanded, and i ignored him, being that if i wasn't going to clean my upset and frustration away, i would release in a way that'd end up hurting someone, if not multiple people.

"aracely." he said firmly, making me flail my hands in frustration and glare at him, crossing my arms and giving no response, but my attention.

he scrunched up his face at my reaction, before mocking me and flailing his arms before crossing them. "what's good with you?"

i just stared at him, before i let out a defeated sigh. "me? i should be saying that to you." i countered, and he sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.

"i'm sorry-" he began, and i interjected as i shook my head, putting up a hand. "yeah, yeah, i know. you're sorry, it's this and that."

he rolled his eyes, and i returned back to what i was originally doing, placing his clothes that laid all over the floor and on his dresser into his hamper, until he eventually got up and made his way over to me, snatching a shirt out of my hands.

"ary, go sit down. you not supposed to be doing shit like this." he said, and i crossed my arms and looked up at him, but didn't say anything in response.

he stared back down at me, and the stareoff lasted for atleast a few minutes, before i rolled my eyes and listened to his command, going over to the bed and sitting down on it quietly, glaring at him while he threw the shirt into the hamper and approached me.

he crossed his arms as he stood in front of me, and i glared up at him while he spoke. "what is it?"

i broke the eye contact we held, looking down at the VR tattoo situated on his stomach, and shrugged my shoulders, tucking some hair behind my ear. "i should be asking you that, once again."

he sighed, before he shook his head and looked away from me, speaking lowly. "stop holding back."

i rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and scoffing. "nobody's holding back but you. do you ever consider that you're in the wrong?" i snapped, making him scrunch up his face as he looked down at me.

the room went silent, and i continued to stare up at him, waiting for a response, which i didn't get, instead having him take a step back and nod his head, as if he was accepting defeat.

"no, i don't." he said lowly, making me furrow my eyebrows but look away from him, mixed emotions flooding over me.

while this was the answer i knew, and i would have been angry to hear anything else, is it crazy to feel like i didn't expect him to say so? and that, at the same time, it bothered me he did?

i nodded my head, humming in response, and then standing up, only to have him force me to sit back down on the bed and shake his head at me. "you not going nowhere."

"dejame en paz." (leave me alone) i muttered, only to be ignored as he kept his grip on my shoulder and made me sit.

"lose the attitude aracely." he responded coldly, and i snapped my head up at him and furrowed my eyebrows once again.

i opened my mouth to speak, and he narrowed his eyes at me, as if challenging me, and i pressed my lips together before ignoring his looks. "no, i'm not dealing with this shit-"

before i could finish, his large, rough hand collided with my face, smacking me roughly, and he stood over me and stared down at me, as if challenging me to speak again and get hit once more.

i scrunched up my face and balled my fist, swinging at him and letting my fist collide with his face, but he stood there, unfazed by the punch that hit him, and just stared at me.

"this not what we bout to do, ary." he said lowly, his voice telling me he was using a lot of restraint to not hit me back.

"then stop fucking hitting me, and leave me the fuck alone." i snapped, which made him shut his eyes and exhale frustratedly, before shaking his head.

"what is it that you wanna hear so fucking bad?" he snapped back, making me cross my arms back up and narrow my eyes at him.

i shook my head at him, watching him glare down at me angrily before i spoke. "what the fuck is wrong with you? why're you acting all fuckin-"

he interjected before i could finish my heated complaint, with words so cold and an unchanging facial expression that made my entire body freeze up, as he spoke frustratedly but also concentratedly.

"you wanna hear it so fucking bad? cause i don't want my ex to know i moved on and knocked up some bitch, that's why."


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