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okay, listen.

i know i said i never get intimidated and even if i did, i'd never admit it.. and then i admit it, but can you fucking blame me?

this psychopath, who almost attacked me, who was just banging his head against steel bars, is snuggled up with me like nothing happened.

he's fucking crazy, if we didn't establish this before, let's establish it now.

i weakly wrapped my arms around him, terrified, to say the least, and he just laid there, quietly. i don't think he was sleeping, nor did i want to look him in his face to find out, so i just laid there, facing the wall.

there were scribbles and words on the wall, along with drawings, that were weird and creepy, just like him.

the fuck is wrong with this kid?

i guess i might as well try talking to him anyway. i know i was told not to, but if he's really this dangerous he's gonna end up killing me sooner or later.

might as well cut time, eh?

"que p- i mean, what's wrong with you?" i said softly, moving one of my arms so i could look at him.

"everything." he mumbed, and i furrowed my eyebrows.

i wasn't exactly sure how to respond, so i let out a little huff. "do you want to talk?"

he squeezed me tighter, his eyes remained closed. "no, i hate you."

fuck you too, then.

i let out an annoyed sigh, then sucked air in through my mouth. if i'm being honest, i'm done here,but judging by his grip on me, that doesn't matter, because i'm not going anywhere.

"stop breathing." he grumbled, his voice low and raspy.

i rolled my eyes, not sure if he meant to actually stop breathing and die, or to just stop breathing so loud, but assumed the latter, hoping he wasn't as psychopathic as to actually mean for me to die.

but he probably is.

i realized there was no escape, so i squirmed around a little until i was slightly comfortable, wrapping my arms around him closely.

maybe he just needs some love, like my mom always said, amor es la respuesta.

i mean, the kid is obviously troubled if he's in here, and definitely seems troubled, and fucking crazy, but people aren't born crazy, at least i don't believe they are.

i believe it develops, meaning he's definitely got some deep rooted issues that led him to end up like this.

after a couple minutes, i heard him begin to snore softly, which surprised me, since he seemed to never sleep, so for him to be asleep right now shocked me, to say the least.

i unwrapped my arms from around him, laying on my back, my movement causing him to furrow his eyebrows and wrap around me tighter, now laying his head directly on my chest.

i didn't mind though, it amused me, to see this evil, dangerous, psychopath cuddled up on me like a baby.

i shut my eyes, not intending to fall asleep, but just to relax in my dark and empty mind, but of course, i fell asleep.


"that nigga jah probably killed her." stokeley said, laughing as we walked back to our cell.

"stokeley, that's not funny. he probably did." i snapped, glaring at him, while he continued to laugh, struggling to keep up with me because he was so weak with laughter.

i didn't find it funny whatsoever, i genuinely worried for aracely's safety alone with jahseh, so stokeley and i left to go in the cell with her.

"man, okay okay. you right, something could actually be up. but vro, you saw, she can fight like a nigga. she pretty but she evil, if jah kills her, she'll put up a good fight before he does."

i swung at him, punching him in the chest, winding him. "you're not funny, stokeley." he held onto his chest, walking behind me, and he didn't speak anymore.

which was good.

as we approached our cell, we noticed the door was open. we both went in, ready to see some horrifying scene. "what the fuck?" stokeley said lowly, as we got to the room.

i peeked my head in, my eyes widening at the sight- jahseh and ary laid together, jahseh tightly wrapped around her, asleep.

"the beast sleeps," stokeley said with a laugh. "wow." i just stood there, attempting to process what was in front of me.

jahseh never sleeps.

the four months i've been here, and been in a cell with him, i've hardly seen him sleep. i always assumed, and hoped, that while stokeley and i went out for recreation, he slept, due to the fact that he stays up all night, most nights.

but this was one of the first times i'd ever seen him asleep, and i was confused as to what had happened in here to lead to it. i looked at stokeley, who looked at me, and then the both of us looked back at the two.

"let's just.. leave them." i whispered, slowly sliding the cell door shut so it wouldn't make much noise.

i couldn't shake the image out of my head, though, how the hell did aracely do that? not just manage to get him to sleep, and she got him holding her like that?

jahseh has barely ever touched me, unless he was playing with my hair, which he is slightly infatuated with. but for him to lay down, and tightly cuddle with her, especially when he doesn't even know her..

it was so weird to me.

we went back outside, as we sat back in our chairs, quiet. stokeley looked at me, and sighed. "that's kinda fucking weird, vruh." he said, scratching his head.

"kinda? when have you ever seen jahseh touch someone like that?" i asked, and he huffed, clenching his teeth. "shit, not since we got in here."

i sighed softly. "i'm not even going to stress it, or complain about it. both the beasts are sleeping, let's thank god for it."

stokeley let out a laugh, nodding his head, before we both returned to what we had been doing before, thoughts of aracely and jahseh long gone.


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