Act 1: Prologue:: Shadows of the Past

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Disclaimers: All right reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc., to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is Reylo fan fiction. With the hope that we'll have side characters have their own stories. (slow-burn)


Title: Star Wars: A Dyad in the Force

Fandom: Star Wars

Type: Regular

Based on: Movies, Books

Rated: Fiction

Genre: Adventure, Romance, Friendship

Chapters: 78

Status: Complete

Language: English


Author's Note:

Thank you for clicking on Star Wars: A dyad in the Force.

This fanfiction draws inspiration from the sequel trilogy while incorporating limited elements from both the original and prequel trilogies. Having watched the movies, read the books, and conducted thorough research, I have endeavored to stay faithful to the established canon. The story follows a similar path as The Rise of Skywalker, occasionally delving into flashbacks when necessary.

I've classified this Fanfiction as a Romantic-Adventure, encompassing additional genres such as Friendship, Tragedy, Angst, Humor, and True Love. As you may have anticipated, our central characters are Rey/Dark Rey and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, but Poe, Anakin, Finn, and a few others will also play significant roles. While it is a slow-burn, the narrative explores not only love but also the importance of friendship. Naturally, certain elements may deviate from canon, as occasional sacrifices are made for the sake of the story.

I eagerly welcome all reviews and feedback. Feel free to ask questions, point out any inconsistencies, notify me of typos, or even voice your grievances. I appreciate and consider every review I receive, and I make sure to read and respond to each one. Your input is valuable to me.


Side Note:

In "The Rise of Skywalker," JJ Abrams endeavored to take us on an unforgettable adventure. It is not my intention to pass judgment on his work or anyone else's. I genuinely believe that his ideas were fantastic, although the story felt rushed. JJ attempted to salvage it in TROS, resulting in a mix of underwhelming and exceptional moments. One of the highlights was witnessing Kylo Ren's transformation into Ben and Rey's growth as a Jedi. Poe, Finn, BB8, and the entire ensemble had significant roles to play, yet we didn't fully witness their potential unfold. Admittedly, we could spend hours discussing the shortcomings, but that's not the focus here. Personally, I found enjoyment in all three movies. Yes, they could have been much better, but we cannot alter the past. As Kylo Ren would say, "To let the past die!" However, dwelling on that sentiment would not be helpful either.

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