Act12: Exegol:: The Knights of Ren

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Exegol, 35 ABY

Ben Solo remained too long in the ruins of the Death Star. His mind played over and over again, what had happened. And each time he thought about it, he found himself closer to Ben Solo. His connection with Rey was still strong, and he sensed her worries as she flew to Exegol and faced the Emperor alone. Ben cracked a smile, recalling how stubborn and brave she had been since the first day they met. She would end up going to face the Emperor. Ben already knew it was a fight she could not escape from. But he would not let her stand alone.

It took him too long to climb through the wreckage in search of a hangar bay, even longer to find an old scout-class TIE, and repair it to fly him to Exegol. Ben followed Rey's transmitted tracking markers towards Exegol, but the navicomputer had taken a wrong turn, and he almost ground through an unknown rough space. It had taken all his concentration to correct his course and get back on track. All that had been the simple part.

It didn't take him long after that, and he reached Exegol. The planet seemed darker and more dangerous than the last time he was there. He noted that the battle had already begun. The resistance was attacking the Final Order. They had brought the war to Exegol. 'A bold move.' He thought. But he was not expecting anything less from the new Acting General. He had been before in Poe's mind, and he recalled what he was capable of, and after all, his mother would never choose someone to lead the Resistance if she was not sure how worthy he was.

Ben landed his TIE scout beside an old Rebellion X-wing. He couldn't help staring at the two ships. Old enemies parked side by side. Suddenly something caught his attention, stinging the base of his skull. Ben sensed a familiar awareness. Rey! It seems she already felt his presence. He tilted his head baffled; she understood that he was Ben again. He caught a wave of relief from her, even joy.

Then, nothing.

She was in trouble. Ben sensed it through his core. Rey needed him now more than ever. He was no longer wearing the helmet or his cape, and he wasn't carrying his lightsaber with him, only a bluster. He sprinted for the monolith, dodging beneath it, and launched himself into the shaft. Ben didn't overthink his actions. Nothing would stop him from reaching Rey. Especially now, when she needed him.

Ben grabbed the massive chains dangling from the ceiling and gazed down. "Ouch!" he uttered as the landing against the heavy chains was more painful than he estimated. The ground was so far below him that it was lost in the darkness beneath him. Too far to climb down quickly, probably too far to jump down safely.

Rey's healing touch had restored him. His mother's forgiveness had washed over him, and he had embraced his father's absolution. At that moment, he contemplated the possibility of one day forgiving himself, should time allow for him to atone for the weight of his past transgressions, or perish in his unwavering pursuit. The words of Anakin Skywalker echoed within him, guiding him towards finding the inner strength to set things right, regardless of the challenges that lay ahead. Drawing upon the Force, Ben Solo called upon its power and let himself descend into the depths, ready to confront his destiny with unwavering resolve.

Ben opened his eyes and floated a few inches above the ground. He had to thank Snoke for teaching him how to survive such a fall by using only force. He landed against the rocky ground and crossed paths with the dark-robed figures, who attacked him with fury. The last time he was in Exegol, they had ignored him. Back then, he had entered Exegol as Kylo Ren, and the Emperor wanted him there. Now, as Ben Solo, he was not welcomed.

He blasted them easily, one shot for every kill. He held his blaster, and the way he fired it looked like his father was using his blaster. 'Like Father, Like Son.' A voice noted. Only now Ben knew whose voice it was, and thankfully it didn't belong to any of his previous evil masters. But it belonged to his grandfather. Recently, he would have taken pleasure in killing them, but now he had only one desire: 'Aid Rey.'

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