Act 44: A sharp pang of Awkwardness

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc., to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction. (Slow burn!) 

Author's Note:

This week's news is the 5-month anniversary of The Rise of Skywalker, some of us enjoyed it, some of us didn't, but it is to blame for one thing: The rising number of fanfiction that has been written in its name and trying to fix the new trilogy.

Also, guys, allow me slowly to take away Rey Mary Sue's abilities. I do like Rey to be strong and independent, but she came out too strong. ^_^

「Act 44: A sharp pang of Awkwardness

I can not save you

I can't even save myself

Please don't take pity on me...

My life has been a nightmare

My soul is fractured to the bone...

Falcon, 36 ABY

Ben raised a finger and pressed it against her lips, gently hashing her. Of course, they would talk, as much as Rey needed, but first, he had to bring her to the right place. A place inside the Falcon he always found magical and peaceful as a child, heartbreaking, inspiring, something so tender. A place where life was full and death afar. No worries other than their own, no rules other than the ones they governed, no pain other than the grief they would agree to place upon their shoulders.

That was Ben's little opening room with the marvelous view, a hidden world never to be silenced, and pain in stillness. He wanted to show it to Rey, that one place had always been Ben Solo's, and Kylo Ren had never touched it. That little opening that Han offered him as his room and now ended up becoming his dreamland.

Rey's lips parted in surprise, sensing his finger against her lips. He has always been attractive tall, rather ungainly, with long black hair. But now his figure had changed, been smoothed, unguarded and relaxed. Rey noticed it again. He had his father's posture and long face, but his eyes, the warm brown eyes of his mothers. She almost got lost inside those dark eyes.

His shoulders slumped dejectedly; pain and grief were etched on his handsome face. Rey noted that pain was always there, hunting him all along the way. She felt it before in Exegol, and it seemed Ben Solo never forgot and never forgave himself. She rested her eyes against him, tilting her head in confusion as Ben knelt before her. She observed as his large frame bent down; she detected him wearing only his black shirt and pants; he probably had left his jacket on the cockpit.

He encouraged her to lift her right foot; he lifted his eyes and looked at her waiting for her to move her leg. Puzzled, Rey agreed and moved her right foot upwards. Ben smiled, and his smile came from deep inside to light up his eyes and spread light into every part of the small unit room. He slowly let his hands grab her right boot, removed it, and placed it next to her. He repeated the action to her left boot.

Rey stood barefoot, blinking at him baffled. She liked how the Falcon's cold metal felt under her feet; there was a kind of freedom to it, that natural feeling, calming. She moved her toes and gazed at them and then back at Ben, reaching through the force and asking him: Why were her boots removed? Would it help in their discussion somehow?

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