Act 59: The Quest:: Passing through

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)


The Quest

「Act 59: Passing through」

Celestial Forest, Eanor, 37 ABY

Hux was standing by the carrier droid, sucking his teeth, and staring moodily into the gloom where the river roared stonily below; his desire for adventure was at its lowest ebb. He was never a sucker for adventure, Ren used to do back then all the dirty work, but he never really stepped out of his comfort zone. Now, he followed Rose blinded to this kind of mission without overthinking the possibilities as he always did.

Rose stepped next to him "It's time," she said gazing at the anxious figure of Hux and softly crapped his hand holding it there for a moment "We have to go!" she added and shared a smile with him "The first part of our journey is flexible the rest will be hard and dreary."

Hux refused to gratify that with a response because he already thought that their journey was exhausting. And now there was Rose assuring him that it would only get worse. So it was almost against his will that he found himself mesmerized by Rose's interference to guarantee him that things would only get worse. But it sounded like Rose Tico, since the day he met her, she kept treating him cruelly and she enjoyed it. And slowly Hux came to like it in a bizarre way.

"What have I missed?" Poe angled towards Zorii and whispered, "Hugs and Rose seem comfortable close!" he had observed the pair since yesterday and the familiarity between them struck him.

"Really hoped I'd have to explain that part," Zorii said, "All those months you were away from the base, those two became really close."

Poe smirked gazing at Zorii "Rose and Hugs close friends! Zorii you surely lived through unforgettable times."

"You're outta luck and missed it," she scoffed "I don't want to relive moments like those." Zorii cocked her head closer to his ear and murmured "They aren't just close friends!" then she pulled back and looked at Poe.

"We are in our way to trade with more danger and everyone is busy falling in love!" Poe grumbled in disappointment as he and Zorii hiked behind the rest of the company.

"Why?" Zorii asked curiously "Who else is?"

"Hux and Rose?" Finn suddenly interrupted them as he appeared between them "I would never believe that Rose was after bad boys!"

"Me neither," agreed Zorii "And I honestly never wanted to know that detail about Rose."

Poe wrapped his arm around Finn bringing him closer "You lost one of your girls, Pal!" he nudged him.

Finn shook his head "I already talked with Rose, our timing was just not right! However, things didn't work out with Rey as well. But I still have Jannah!"

Zorii shifted her head confused, staring at the two friends. Poe winked at her and explained, "Finn here had fallen in love with Rose, Rey, and Jannah at the same time." He turned and looked at his friend "Maybe even with me, Zorii you should be careful you might be next!"

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