Act 32: A bleary moment

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Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

Rey let her feet through the Resistance base's main corridors, passing various figures she had acquainted with over the passing years. She nodded her head, and she smiled at each greeting them. She abhorred her dissatisfaction; there lay a specific reason for such emotions as she had found what she most desired. A place she belonged to, friends and family, who fought for the same cause as her. She even managed to connect with the dyad again, and her bond with Ben was constantly there. But an insatiable loveliness ensued her.

She believed she was a disappointment; she couldn't figure out her own emotions. Ever since little, she learned that she should smile when she was happy and frown when she was sad. And anger, excitement, fright, and so many more. But those things that are called feelings, those were emotions. And although they were synonyms. This emotion thing was a roller coaster for her and each situation that was rising. And Rey couldn't always cope with their meaning. Like now, the mission was ready, and Ben had already guided them through everything he knew about the Sith's Soulstone. Yet Rey wanted to search once more through Luke's texts and find a more valid answer.

She reached the part of the base she was using as a library. The previous year, she had moved all the books and texts she had from Luke and Leia there. Access wasn't granted to everyone, only those related to Rey and Leia. Rey spent enough time there reading all the old Jedi books she managed to find. Also, she was offered a librarian droid to help her. If she needed to search for something specific, she wouldn't have to look through all the texts; the droid could point her where to look.

She searched for hours; the droid was going up and down, bringing her any available texts and books. Rey rubbed her forehead, filing the tension building up. She was looking into Palpatine's information, and although she had found so much new information, nothing was related to the Black Stone or his secret Temple.

"This family is so mixed up; I'll never untangle their mess," she said as Finn walked into the room, gazing around piles of books she was surrounded by, "Droid, bring me anything else you can find about the Emperor!"

"Rey," Finn called her and sat next to her. "We already have all the information we need," he assured her, "Why don't you go rest and get ready for the mission?" he quizzed, but Finn already knew the answer. If something were bothering Rey, she would look into it. The girl he had met in Jakku had never changed that part of her character.

Rey sighed as the droid showed up and delivered a few more texts in front of her. "Because if we know where Palpatine's Secret Temple is located, we will avoid traveling to Yavin 4; I don't trust that colony," she answered as she kept her head buried in the books.

Finn curiously asked her, "At least have you found anything important we can use?"

Rey turned page after page as she scratched the back of her head, feeling her fingers stumbling against her buns, "Palpatine wasn't always part of the Dark Side. It took him a long time to become the evilness we faced in Exegol," Rey explained as she lifted her head and faced Finn, "His father wasn't any better. Palpatine killed his whole family. My father was a clone, but before him, he had a son of his own."

Finn jumped up and interrupted her. "Wait, you mean, Palpatine got busy?" he looked away in disgust at the idea.

Rey nodded. "A woman slept with him."

"Imagine that!" Finn added.

Rey felt sick to her stomach. "No, ew! Don't!" The last thing she wanted was to create the image of her grandfather's intercourse. Rey paused and spaced out. "He couldn't stay in the light side, as the Skywalkers. And that part still worries me, Finn. What if one day, I'll give in to the temptation? We easily end up judging those who turned into the dark side, but we never know their full story. What if I'll follow their example." Rey was terrified by the idea of that happening to her; after all, she was a Palpatine; she was part of the dark side. Even if she had fought the dark as long as it took, she would remain true to the light. She was like Leia, not giving in to temptation easily; she would withstand the darkness and never give in. Maybe the female Jedi was better at dealing with the darkness.

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