Act 35: Cushy and comfy disasters:: Naked Fiasco

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc., to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction. 

Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include nudity...


Author's Note:

Allow me to add a few light and silly moments; chapters 34 & 35 were written to offer a small break from all the heavy scenes and the angst. The story continues in Chapter 36, crucial, weighty, and severe. ^_^ However, from time to time, there will be a silly chapter added here and there. I hope you enjoyed it!


「Act 35: Cushy and comfy disasters

Naked Fiasco」

Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

The water poured down; it dripped by Ben's side as his mind faded into dullness and everything was a foggy illusion. He decided not to give in; he tried to keep the calm feeling Rey helped him reach. 'A bit longer,' he thought and reached for the soap. The sensation of the steamy water calmed him; it took his mind off things. All the things he honestly cared about. His mind swirled, and it was like he was standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but he knew it wouldn't last for long.

Rey grabbed a clean towel, her outfit, and a clean pair of underwear and dushed out of the room. She was still irritated by the fact that Ben told her she was smelly. She sniffed herself again, but there was no odor. At least nothing unpleasant as Ben had told her. She passed through the corridors and into the bath halls. Each shower was located inside a private area, and when occupied, the user could turn the switch on, and it would show a red light notifying that it was busy.

In her confusing state, she managed to find the shower area and busted herself inside the first shower she found available, locking the door behind her. Next, she made sure to enable the light; the last thing she wanted was to have someone step into the shower while cleaning up. She brushed her teeth first in the sink that was available in the right corner; the shower was located a few steps away. Steam was still filling the room, and it looked as if someone else had used it earlier.

Ben closed his eyes to the water as the heat soaked into his skin; he leaned against the cool tiles listening to the sound of the water. He had missed the luxury he had as Kylo Ren, having his chambers with an amazing shower and bathtub. When he was living in Jakku, having a shower once a month was a comfort hard to find. At least the Resistance Base had running warm water to shower and keep the basic hygiene going.

Rey placed her belongings on the small counter next to the sink; she noted a pair of clothes in the corner and thought that the previous user had forgotten them. But it seemed he or she had even forgotten the water running. She stripped down, grabbed her towel, and stepped slowly, walking over to the shower. Then she reached out to open the shower door to take her shower and get rid of the smell.

Ben turned off the running water, drop after drop fell against the ceramic floor of the shower. He extended his arms to grasp his towel, and only then did he notice he forgot to take one with him. He shook his head in disbelief at his action and took a step forward, opening the entry and stepping out of the shower. His mind was spacing out, enjoying the relaxed feeling he hadn't felt for years.

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