Act 56: Eanor :: Arrival on Eanor

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)



「Act 56: Arrival on Eanor

North Unknown Regions, Eanor, 37 ABY

Anakin and Luke watched Ben flying the Falcon towards the Northern parts of the Unknown Regions. The Falcon bumped out of lightspeed into rough space; it felt as though he were passing through gravel. Ben checked the navigation screen and Luke's notes that Rey had given him a bit earlier. That, and the Force. Ben drew on all the stress and fear of last month's incidents. His flight steadied, and he sent the Falcon to the next set of coordinates. This time, instead of the streaming stars of hyperspace, his ship entered a glowing blue web like the one he had crossed when he visited Exegol. Only this one was much larger; it was covering every corner of the North Unknown Regions.

"His strength returns," observed Luke; Ben seemed now more balanced than ever. Even in so much pain and grief, Ben Solo seemed somehow whole. Like those months around, Rey and the others had offered him some amount of healing.

Ben kept piloting the Falcon; most pilots, when traveling faster-than-light for a while, used the time to stretch, do some interior checks and maintenance, or even sleep. But Ben didn't dare let his guard down. He had to be ready for anything. Besides, he had started hearing whispers that time and distance became nearly meaningless in exotic space.

"That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it for the rest of his life." said Anikin, "He will carry his past as long as he lives."

Ben had no idea exactly when they would revert to real space or what would be waiting for them there. It seemed as though only a short time had passed before the Falcon lurched out of the web and slowed down. They had reached the North Unknown Regions, and the space seemed familiar. It wasn't as spooky as Exegol; it just seemed a normal part of the area. Ben had to check the Navi-computer to make sure that they had reached their destination.

"And yet to have come so far, still bearing the past, he has shown extraordinary resilience and strength," Luke answered as he was still looking at his nephew. He could even see that raw power free inside him. In the past, he thought it was darkness, but he was so wrong.

"It is a burden he should never have had to bear. We can ask no more of Ben. Although we will." Anakin leaned his body to take a better look as the Falcon approached Eanor.

The planet seemed to be on fire; it seemed that it used to be filled with life, trees, and Rivers. But now half of had fallen to its ruins. It had two moons and one sun, and the solar system included more planets. Ben thought they would only find the planet of Eanor, but he was wrong. He placed the location where the Falcon should land to keep safe from the enemy to spot them.

"Anakin, Delkor's forces are massing in the North parts," Luke noted. He had started to hate their ability to show up wherever they wanted, which allowed them to know things more accessible these days. But it took them too much of their Force energy to accomplish that.

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