Act 25: Ben Solo arrives at Ajan Kloss

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Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

The Falcon flew through the open skies of Ajan Kloss at the head of the Resistance fleet. Gently the old Corellian freighter set down on a landing pad while x-wings, u-wings, y-wings, and civilian craft landed on adjacent pads. Their mission had been successful; there had been no lives lost.

Within fifteen minutes, pilots and crew alike were gathered in the main hall. Poe waited to speak until Rey, Finn, and Chewie arrived with Ben Solo. But the minutes passed, and no one disembarked from the Falcon, and the freighter's ramps remained closed. People began to fidget. The acting General of the Resistance waited a few more minutes, then threw his hands in the air and jogged back outside.

When he reached the Falcon, he flicked the outside switch, and the hydraulics lowered the ramp down. He walked in and found Rey, Finn, and Chewie sitting in the cockpit, staring out at the horizon.

Poe tapped Chewie's shoulder to catch his attention, "Chewie, where is Solo?"

Poe didn't bother speaking to Rey or Finn because Poe—even without being Force-sensitive—knew that Rey would be furious. Meaning that the two of them would end up fighting because he had hidden Ben Solo from her.

His decision not to reveal the truth to Rey had been planned. If Rey had known before the mission that Ben Solo was alive, she would have delayed the mission. She might even have been in danger. But by finding it out suddenly, Poe knew she would finish the mission successfully before she unleashed her fury on him and everyone else.

Chewie roared a complaint about Rey and how angry she was in response. Then he stood up and faced Poe, saying that they should have informed Rey. Poe studied the two figures that were still sitting in the cockpit, but they ignored him.

"No, Chewie! It was safer this way!" Poe insisted on the tired and guilty Wookie.

Chewie studied Poe's posture and facial expression and realized that Poe was worried. He should be; they had just brought Kylo Ren back to the Resistance base. Maybe his friends had already dealt with the idea that Kylo Ren had turned back to the Light, but he knew that the Resistance wouldn't accept him with open arms. He let one more roar pointing at the back part of the Falcon where they had 'locked up' Ben.

Poe followed the Wookiee, down half, and into a cargo hold where Solo was cuffed. He hung by both arms as though he could not support his weight. Poe was not surprised; he had seen him on Jakku, Ben had gone through a lot. He was wounded and exhausted.

Truth be told, Poe didn't pity Solo. He understood how powerful Solo res. It was his choice to keep a low posture and accept everything that was thrown his way. Maybe he was trying to find a way to atone for his crimes. A stupid way. Poe thought as he unlocked the cuffs, freeing Solo.

Ben was too overworked to notice Poe approaching or removing his cuffs. His body lost its balance suddenly and dropped. He would have fallen to the ground if Poe had not stretched out his hand to catch him. Poe slowly lifted Ben and helped him to lean against the wall. He only released Ben after he had caught hold of the metallic bar. He studied the tall, dark-haired, exhausted man for a few long seconds before he spoke, "We are on Ajan Kloss. The Resistance uses it as a base."

It took Ben a few minutes to register that Poe stood in front of him, talking to him randomly as though they were old friends. Ben faced the acting General; his first thought was: 'It isn't supposed to be like this.'

"You brought me on to the Resistance base?" Ben questioned in bewilderment.

"Well, I knew what was coming!" Poe claimed, still gazing at Ben, "You need a place to clean and recharge," He stepped away from the wall towards Ben. "And we need you!" Poe cracked him a smile and tapped his shoulder. "Can you walk?" he offered his arm to help him.

Poe's words were like a knife through his gut. Ben wasn't used to having people care about him and his well-being. This couldn't be real. Poe Dameron sounded like he cared about him, the monster. "I can walk!" he lied. "You shouldn't place any hope with me," Ben mumbled as he held tightly to the bar, trying to keep his balance. "And if you insist on dragging me with you into the base, you better cuff me again."

Poe tilted his head and smirked as he grabbed the pair of cuffs, "I don't believe those are strong enough to hold you down. You could have escaped if you wanted to."

"I could!" Ben admitted, "But I didn't... I wouldn't..." He paused to catch his breath; even talking seemed so difficult. "It'll make everyone else feel protected. If the Monster is in chains."

Poe frowned at his words. Indeed Kylo Ren was a monster. He could acknowledge that. But the Ben Solo he met on Jakku wasn't a monster. Poe gave the stubborn man before him an annoyed glare and then cuffed his wrists together. "Let's go!"

Ben stared at Poe, afraid to believe his ears. Afraid of what he was feeling. His emotions overwhelmed him; the people who should loathe him were aiding him. He had been prepared to face enemies, and he had yet to find one unless he counted Rey, but she didn't act like him; she was only peeved for the moment. Maybe Finn could be called an enemy, but Ben was pretty certain that the man was just afraid. Trusting Poe's words, he took a step towards him, forgetting how weary he was, and stumbled. He tried to stand up and hide his vulnerability, but he couldn't.

Poe offered Ben his hand. This time Ben accepted his help. He reached out and took Poe's hand, and Poe pulled him up to his feet. He helped him regain his balance and tapped his shoulder, "It won't be easy, but I'm sure you have faced worse." Poe joked, referring to the Resistance members Ben would face.

Ben didn't answer, only hobbled towards the main corridor. He stumbled and fell. Suddenly, he felt two hands wrapping around his forearms and pulling him up. He lifted his gaze to meet with Rey's furious one. She was still angry with him, but as always, she would be there to help him. Rey was born kind, and she was so filled to the brim with Light that even if she were angry and bitter with him, she would never let him face the Resistance on his own.

That day, when Ben Solo stepped out of the Falcon to face the Resistance he had wronged and butchered as Kylo Ren, he did not stand alone. His friends stood beside him, and if any of them were not his friends, they were at least his allies. They were people who had come to see Ben so true that when they looked at him, they saw the person that he was rather than the monster that he had been.

Rey, his number one supporter, stood at his side, her arm around his waist, and supported his weight. Poe, who was a listening ear, wrapped him with understanding and aid and strode in front. And Chewie and Finn, who could at times offer emotional support, walked confidently behind.

The truth was that they couldn't heal Ben; they could only offer their help for him to heal. His pain and his self-inflicted mental torture were a burden Ben Solo would always have. But there was a way, a way to live with it, a way to accept his past and fight for his future. Ben Solo was still fighting his demons. He was still walking through hell and didn't know how to rescue himself. He had, at this point, yet to believe that he was even allowed to be rescued.

But those few people who were walking beside him believed he could be saved, they each saw through his past, and each had noticed his change and the pain that had caused him to clash with himself. Ben Solo wore his emotional and physical scars proudly, walking deeper into the abyss without even attempting to save himself. Even so, they would never let Ben Solo fall too far.

Ben gazed at the ground as he sensed that more people watched them, recognizing who he was. They slowly followed the group of four, confused and dazed.

When their path came to an end, Ben found himself in the middle of the base surrounded by the Resistance. Rey, Poe, Chewie, and Finn were the only ones between him and them.

「 Upcoming Chapter: Act Twenty-Six」

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