Act 66: Returning Home:: Smitten intoxication

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Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-mature content. ^_^

「Sequel Trilogy」

「A dyad in the Force」

「Episode XII

「Star Wars: Return of the Empire

Based on characters created by

George Lucas


「Returning Home

「Act 66: Smitten intoxication

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The crowd was screaming with joy, their feet disturbing the ground around the central area. Smiles, laughs, and a lot of drinking and eating. Their bodies moved together as they celebrated, rhythmically breaking into shapes and colors that tickled everyone's heart. Most had indulged, eating more than they'd thought possible. Few drunk more than they should. Cattery voices and cheering tones had filled the Blossom Forest. Tabletops layered with trays of the most delicious food and drinks, delicacies capable of making one's mouth water: meat, vegetables, and all kinds of fruits.

Rey lost in her mind, strolled through the corridors. Her long dress was waving, along with each step. Her hands were resting freely down her hips. It was her first time wearing a dress, but she agreed to wear it since it was a special day. People were still celebrating all over Eanor for winning the war, and today they were holding a feast for their departure.

Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her behind a dark corner and almost hiding her behind gigantic curtains. She was not given any time to react, as two thin pleasureful lips pressed against her, forming a kiss. She answered by wrapping her arms around her attacker and stepping on her toes, making the kiss last longer. Her secret attacker embraced her fully, adding more mischief to their kiss. She had already recognized her attacker; it was her Ben.

"I didn't know I would see you so soon!" Rey teased him as she pulled back, breaking the kiss. His hands were sensually touching her along her arms and back, ensuring she was real. "It has been a few hours!" she whispered against his ear, as her breath softly touched his sensitive ear, making him shutter over the air that was blown against him.

Ben rested his arms along her waist, "I can always leave and come back later!" he teased her as he leaned closer and stole one more kiss. "But I missed your lips!" he said, pausing the kiss and letting his dark eyes rest against hers. Ben couldn't have enough of watching and kissing Rey, like their remaining time on Eanor had a deadline.

As for Rey, she spent most of her days dreaming, flying along with pink clouds that filled her belly with angry butterflies. Her silliness never left her since the day Ben told her that he loved her. She started thinking that there was something wrong with her. She was always smiling and happy, in ways she never was.

As for Ben, he was in a worse state. Rey admitted that she loved him, and for the first time in his life, Ben Solo heard someone telling him that he was loved. It brought Ben's walls down at once, and he was running a high fever for days. He was lovesick, and damn did he enjoy it.

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