Act 74: Ben & Rey

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Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-bliss moments ^_^

Galactic City, Coruscant 38ABY

The dark blue sky vanished between the landscape; the road was narrowing in the speed's sound. The sun's rays were less bright, revealing that the day had grown old. After the overwhelming day, Ben and Rey took a walk back to the mansion and offered for them to stay the night. In the morning, they would attend the ceremony, and then they would take the way back home. Silence rose against their skin like poison. But each had fallen inside their silence.

Rey's face was one of awkwardness, not even hurrying to save her feelings, to fill the void with a non-statement of appreciation. The opening was cruelty she inflicted unintentionally but had she been aware; she would not have cared one iota, not because she was indifferent or fell out of love. That was not the case. She was in love, deeply and madly in love with that 'Stupid Ben.' Yet, reality kept reminding her that such a union would still be difficult. Difficult because now there was not only the dyad or their love that connected them but something more meaningful. She picked her eyes off the streets with the weariness of one who was fatigued with the seriousness. Her mind wheeled on thinking she had to sit down and talk with Ben, but it was easier said than done.

The silence caressed Ben's skin like a cool spring breeze, smoothing his soul, and taking away his jagged edges. It had been one hell of a rough day. And it would not get any better. Loving the 'Idiotic Jedi' was the easy part; finding a way to be together was challenging. It was the most challenging task he ever overtook. He shivered only at the idea that now his responsibilities had grown. Ben knew where his heart lay. He was not scared to confess his deepest thoughts. What was troubling him was their being together! He had a past that would hunt him for life, a verdict to follow him, and he was broken in so many ways. He had managed to gather his pieces and aid Ben Solo to continue living but starting a new life in Tatooine, and tugging Rey along, would it be fair?

Her hands were frailty and cautious, shaking gently as Ben reached for her hand and continued a firm hold on her hand, their finger touched, causing electric tingles to spring alive as the first time their hands had touched in Ahch-To. Their arms fell as Ben led her through the mansion corridors in a large opening balcony that offered an open view of the Galactic City. To witness the aerial view of the town as the night grew was like being hailed by the angels; the lights stole their breath away in the most magical way possible. Down there were thousands of souls whose lights burned so bright and felt strong within the Force.

The silence was somehow comforting and spoke for itself; it was peaceful in a way where they could feel at home and know that no matter what was happening, they were forever connected. Neither Ben nor Rey tried to communicate via their dyad, not today; today, they wanted to sit down and talk face-to-face and figure out the future. And they both tried slowly to get used to that significant change between them.

Ben first took a seat against the stone railing and pulled Rey to sit next to him. They sat in silence for a few moments watching the mesmerizing view in front of them. Rey was determined to make him speak first because she didn't know what question to ask or how to start this talk. But Ben didn't. He was not in a hurry; he took his time with her until both would be comfortable enough to talk.

Yet Rey's awkwardness rose, the silence was torturing her, she didn't know how Ben was feeling, his walls were still up, and she needed to break them all down. "Ben," she said, her gaze spacing out, trying to figure out the next word, "I need someone to tell me... to explain to me, where is my place in all this?"

Star Wars: A dyad in the Force 「A Reylo FanFiction」Where stories live. Discover now