Act 46: 'Hugs' first day on the Resistance Base

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)

Author's Note:

Chapters 45 and 46 were two very small chapters to just have a look at what was happening at the meanwhile, as the Falcon was on the mission to find the Sith's stone. I hope you enjoyed it.

「Act 46: 'Hugs' first day on the Resistance Base

Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

Hux watched -from a safe distance- as the Resistance Base thought that the Resistance probably imprisoned him. Although Rose had earlier explained that was not exactly his case, he didn't trust her. They would kill him surely, maybe not today, but when the time was right.

The war between the First Order and the Resistance had finally ended, the Resistance had won, and he was one of the few First Order survivors. The once general of the First Order had now no power along with the Resistance; at least he was not kept locked up in prison and forgotten there.

He rested for a while now, and his controlling character didn't allow him to remain seated. He decided to get up and explore the Base, see what the First Order was all about. It took him a moment to calm down and show his poker face as he stood up and started walking around at a slow pace.

The chattering that was surrounding him was slowly dying down as Hux bypassed them. The facial expressions already changed to serious, and he felt all eyes on him, glaring at him. He was their enemy and one act of service he had offered, as their spy, was not enough to undo that truth.

There he was alive, standing between his former enemies, unsure of his future. But it didn't matter how the Resistance would label him as the General of the First Order or as a traitor; both would stain his future. As the First Order General, he will be hated and hunted down, and as the traitor, no one would ever trust him.

Commander Larma D'Acy showed up and walked next to him. "So, this is our spy." she pointed out, and the crowd around them stared at Hux and started mumbling, "You have done great evil to the Resistance, General Hux, but you have aided us in many ways as our spy."

Hux bit his lips as he remained standing there listening to the Commander, pointing him out as the First Order's traitor. I guess spy it is then. He thought, and he knew then that no one would ever trust him. Because the one who can betray the cause he was fighting for and become a spy, for whatever reason, would be seen lightly.

Rose remained seated, listening to the Commander, explaining Hux's help to the Resistance. She also added that she could not make a formal decision about what would happen to him. General Dameron would decide his fate or point out what they were supposed to do with a spy and previous enemy.

Rose studied him; she noted that he seemed injured, pale, and unwell. Though even in such a state, he was standing his ground. She didn't really pity the man after what he had done to the Resistance and her, but he could not deny that he gave them important information when they needed it.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Hux asked after the Commander was done speaking, "Did you, General, not tell you what his plans are?"

"He said that he missed General Hugs," Rose responded, casting a hateful glance towards him, "and waits for your reunion."

Hux shook his head; their General was always in the mood to tool with him. How could someone like him even become the General of the Resistance? Hux, of course, never shared his point of view with Rose; the last thing he needed was to make more enemies. "I'll be waiting for that moment," Hux said.

"You can rest, eat, help around," the Commander said, "Find something to spend your time until it's decided what your future would be."

"Are you always so unwind with the security around here?" Hux demanded, "Anyone can come and go as they want, even an enemy?" He couldn't understand how the Resistance worked. How did they even win against the First Order?

"It's not that," Rose said in a higher tone, "We aren't the First Order, don't think our ways would be similar to yours. And I believe since Kylo Ren didn't escape all the time he was here, you won't either."

Hux's eyes opened widely; he felt his anger build up, "Kylo Ren?" he spat, stepping closer to Rose. "Didn't he die? How," he paused, clenching his fingers into his palm, "How did he survive?" A year ago, when he found out that Kylo Ren was finally dead, he felt justified; he believed that Ren would definitely answer to someone, someday.

"Well, he didn't die," Rose answered as she gave a last glance towards him. "And maybe he will be happy to see you when they are back from their mission."

"I don't believe it," Hux repeated a few times as the name Kylo Ren made his anger rise. It was his fault he even became a spy in the first place; he wanted to see him fail, to see him burn to ashes. So much was his hatred towards the previous Supreme Leader. "He better never cross his path with me!"

"Relax," Zorii suddenly said, "Don't forget you aren't within the First Orders jurisdiction any longer. And if you become a threat to the Resistance, you will be executed."

Hux glared at Zorii; he would gladly share his wrath with her, but when he saw her slowly putting her hand over her blaster, he stepped back. "Fine, I'll keep that in mind."

"You should get something to eat, General Hux," offered Commander Larma D'Acy, "and maybe rest before you decide to attack us. Rose here will show you around."

D'Acy felt Rose's eyes burning through her skull; she surely didn't want to spend any other minute close to Hux. "Follow me!" Rose suddenly ordered and walked away. She didn't wait for him to follow her; she was only obeying commands. The last thing she wanted is to spend her time with General Hux.

Hux turned around and followed her. It wasn't easy to keep up with Rose's fast pace, but he didn't complain. He found out where he could sleep, eat, and shower, which was enough for now. Rose didn't talk to him or even share a glance. She simply gave him the tour and left.

Upcoming Chapter: Act Forty - Seven

Okay, guys, that's all. I hope you enjoyed reading the 46th chapter.

Thank you all so much! Stay awesome! Stay sweet!

And be nice to each other, see you soon, in the next chapter!

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