Act 30: When has the student become the teacher?

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Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

The woodland seemed ominously quiet. Ben paused, now even the sound of his own footfalls was silent, and all that could be heard was the susurration of the leaves in the gusty wind. Looking up, he was transfixed by the myriad of fluttering leaves that danced in the high boughs, creating a living roof above him. They were calming, almost hypnotizing, but the longer he stared, the more the leaves looked like eyes staring back down at him, and the boughs seemed to draw closer, blocking out the sunlight as if they were forming a cage around him.

Ben stood there locked in his memories; he had now been living in Ajan Kloss for a week. He was still trying his best not to cause any conflicts. He cleaned his room, kept his appearance clean and neat, ate his food, and spent his days helping fix and repair anything that needed adjustment. Now, most of the spacecraft was repaired and ready to fly again, so he had more free time.

Ben had noted the uneasiness that surrounded Poe. The acting general was seriously bothered by something, and Ben knew it had to do with the information he had provided Poe from the Analyzer. It seemed that soon the Resistance would be called on for a new mission.

His nights were mostly quiet; Ben went to sleep early. Honestly, he didn't wish to sleep at such an early hour because his nightmare would hunt him down again. But he was still trying not to cross paths with Resistance members. Until now, everyone had been civilized and accepted that Ben Solo was to stay on Ajan Kloss. But Ben sensed from time to time bitter gazes filled with hate resting on him. People still called him Kylo Ren, and although that was no longer his name, Ben never confronted them. Because he knew his past was the cause of their reaction.

The old, yellow, and brown leaves rustled in the wind, as the sounds of dead and weak trees creaking at every push the wind gave filled his ears. It was the end of autumn, and the air was colder. Most of the leaves were already gone.

The sight of every living thing coming to an end somehow depressed Ben. Truth be told, it was not the main reason that Ben was falling into a deep depression. As the days passed, Solo was reliving the death he had caused, and his awareness of the damage he had caused only grew bigger. Once, he had admitted to Rey that he was a monster. He had known the truth then, but now he understood the depth of how monstrous he had been.

To Ben, it didn't make sense why people would slowly accept him. In a way, he could understand Rey's openness, but they shared a connection for so long; they knew each other. But Poe and the rest should never forgive or trust him. But it didn't matter how many times Ben told them so; they just supported him further.

Of course, they were only a small group of people. The rest ignored him, and some would gladly have seen him dead. Ben supposed it was good that they didn't know that he would not defend himself if they tried to hurt or kill him.

Rey was once again training deep in the rainforest, and BB-8 had followed her. She still believed that her training as a Jedi was not fully finished. Ben sighed; when would she understand?

Rey closed her eyes, feeling every tree, and fern around her. She reached out for the Force. She inhaled through her nose and sent her awareness into the void.

Rey had to admit that as the years had passed, even though they were few, her connection with the Force had grown stronger. Her body was strong, but her mind was stronger, and she reached out, unencumbered by physical ability. Rey loved to run through the jungle and train with the lightsaber; sometimes, she used both the Force and her sapphire sword.

Deep down, she knew it was time for her to craft her own lightsaber and return Luke and Leia's to them. She had read Luke's Jedi texts, but she still didn't understand fully how to create a lightsaber from scratch. Rey would be a great Jedi someday, and Leia knew it; that was why she had wanted Rey to have her Skywalker legacy.

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