Act 40: Finding Omii

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Yavin 4 - Colony, 36 ABY

Rey wore a face like she was expecting anger from Finn, anger that didn't exist. All Finn had for her was love; all he wanted was to keep her safe. She wouldn't accept it just yet; she felt so much misplaced guilt. But he was tolerant of her standpoint. He just wanted to reveal her, his true feelings for a long time now, but he waited and waited. However, after hearing Rey kissing Ben again, he couldn't stop and exposed his feelings to her.

She gasped, and after a deep breath, she tried to reply, but she was not sure what answer to deliver. Finn had always been her friend, a close friend who followed her from Jakku until now. "Thank you," Rey said, "I can't believe how you felt all this time. But Finn,"

Finn stopped her. "No, Rey, I don't want an answer, not now. You don't have to like me back the same way, nor to apologize about this." He explained as he was still holding her arms, "Are we good? I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"Yes, of course," Rey responded, now being able to breathe again. Honestly, she didn't mind if Finn was in love with her; she only was scared that with her denial, their friendship could be lost, "I'd not want to lose a friend like you." Rey shared with him a hug; both now seemed calmer; they broke the hug and went to find Poe and Ben.

Meanwhile, Ben and Poe had walked close to the colony entrance after they heard Finn confessing that he was in love with Rey; neither Ben nor Poe wanted to stay around to hear the answer. Ben, because he insisted that it had nothing to do with him, Rey was a kind soul, and she would have people falling for her. As for Poe, it still was confusing how Finn could fall in love with more than one person. He ignored his own thoughts as it would only cause more trouble.

That's how all four ended up finally walking inside the colony, agreeing that Finn's confession should be forgotten.

Rey looked around at them as they stopped and scanned the area. "Do we know where we can locate Omii?" she asked a question that everyone wanted to ask Ben.

Ben was also looking around, trying to figure out where they were supposed to start their search. He knew on which planet Omii could be found, but where exactly he didn't know.

"So we start with on here," he pointed ahead of them, "and see what we can find."

"Not just yet," Finn complained, "We could split up in two teams and search, or we can hope that he will fall from the sky..."

Finn never finished his phrase as a local bartender rushed out of his pub, dragging him a shorter male. He threw him against the ground and threatened him, "You are welcome here after you pay what you owe, Omii!" He glared at the group of four and walked back inside.

The man slowly stood up, dusting off his clothes, his eyes had a familiar brown, and his skin was browner, more deeply wrinkled. There was a seriousness about him that unnerved them, and they seemed alarmed. He was familiar with the colony because a few strangers who passed him by didn't gaze at him at all, but they turned and looked at the four friends.

"Finn, why didn't you wish for something better?" Poe said, revealing his surprising face. "Omii?" he added and caught the man's attention.

"Do I know you?" Omii stated in a deep tone, sounding dangerous, and he should be after one of Palpatine's assassins like Ochi.

"You don't know us, but we need some information," Rey said, taking a step forward toward him.

The man cast a glare towards them and then ignored them. "I don't know him," he answered as he turned around to leave.

"Wait," called Rey as she tried to reach him but was stopped by Ben. Ben grabbed her arm and yanked her behind him as he walked towards Omii and pulled him by the shoulder.

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