Act 61: Sense of Hollow Grief

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The Blossom Forest, Eanor, 37 ABY

And upon the forest floor so woven with ancient tree roots came a light filtered by the bouquet of foliage above softened, verdant, and freshly aromatic. A forest was set there, in front of him. He held his eyes steady, but the only thing he could see was darkness and blood. Watching earlier Zorii drop into nothingness crept into him like the damp into bare timber.

'Goodbye, my beautiful girl...' Poe's mind was suffering from mental confusion; he wanted to tell Zorii so much she meant to him as a friend and like family, 'I loved you Zorii in a way I never imagined possible; you were a true friend, protected me and cared about me deeply...' he avoided tears because Zorii hated if others became emotionally about her misfortune 'Wait for fo me one day we walk together side by side my friend, I hope you have found peace!'

The woodland seemed ominously quiet. They paused, now that even the sound of their footfalls was silent; all that could be heard was the susurration of the leaves in the gusty wind. They never experienced grief as bad before; even if most didn't know Zorii that well, her death was hanging in the air, reminding them how dangerous their mission was. They seemed lost now, as Ben was trying to lead through the Blossom Forest.

Vast was the forest coated by blossom trees, grasslands, and unique smells. A scenery that was unreal, like it, had sprung from a fairytale and come to life. It held so much beauty inside, but only a few had noticed, as the rest were weary and heartbroken from losing Zorii. Their journey seemed now like it was standing on the edge of a cliff ready to fall into blackness.

The sky above them couldn't be seen; it was choked by the trees' thick branches and their blossom. The name that was given to the forest seemed to be right to the point. Blossom Forest, indeed it was. But there was something more surrounding it. Ben couldn't exactly name the energy field that was protecting it, but he could sense it. Rey felt it too.

They were calmed, almost hypnotized, but the longer they stared, the more they found themselves lost in the unknown Forest. Ben tried to recall what he had read about the Forest, but nothing was written about the Blossom Forest, only its name. They could be quickly walking into a trap, not knowing it. But everything seemed so peaceful and calm; Ben doubted any kind of evil at work there. He felt only peace and light.

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Blossom Forest." came a voice, and suddenly the group was surrounded by tall humanoids that were armed, deadly weapons were aimed at their heads, and everyone was taken by surprise, not fast enough to draw their weapons "Come now, she is waiting." added the man who seemed to be leading them.

Without many options, they agreed and followed the man whose name was Delmuth. Their vision was lost; wonderment at the vista spread before them. A Large Hill rose out of the woods several miles towards the South, many mighty blossom trees unknown to them upon the hill.

"Our Lady welcomes you to our domain!" Delmuth said as he walked between Ben and Poe, "It's been a while since someone crossed our regions."

"We weren't expecting to find anyone here; we just needed access!" Ben explained as his hand was supporting his injured side. He had an odd feeling he could trust the man next to him. "I'm Ben Solo and Poe Dameron!" Ben gave him a fast update.

"Delmuth of the Blossom Forest, captain of the guard." he introduced himself. "From which parts of Eanor are you coming from? I thought you were looking for shelter."

Ben tilted his head, confused. "We aren't from Eanor, actually," he paused, trying to find the right words to explain exactly what they were, "We are from a galaxy far, far away," he cast a glance at Delmuth, noticing his disorientation.

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