Act 31: The first Mission is set

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Ajan Kloss, 36 ABY

Poe and Finn hurried down into the jungle base; the place seemed denser now; there were more consoles; more people; even more ships. The Resistance was slowly regaining momentum; a new mission was on board. Commander D'Acy walked over to the two.

"Poe," she said, heavily, "What are our next plans?"

"This can wait," Finn interrupted, "We'll inform you with everyone else."

"We are gonna wait for Rey and Ben to return," Poe said, "I need everyone down in the base to be briefed."

D'Acy nodded, "I'll gather the rest!" She said and turned away, beginning to gather everyone who was currently on the jungle moon.

Poe just stood there, his heart aching, his feet unmoored. He and Finn had already planned the new missions. A few important details were missing, but Poe hoped that Rey and Ben could add those.

Ben strolled back to the base after his encounter with Rey. Rey trailed behind him, trying to convince him to aid her with her training. But Ben remained adamant and almost stumbled against Poe.

"Hey, buddy, easy there!" Poe exclaimed as he grabbed Ben just before he collided with him. "I was looking for you both," Poe announced as he looked from Ben to Rey, "Follow me, we have to talk!"

"What happened?" quizzed Rey as she walked after Poe.

"Nothing, yet!" Poe assured her, "But it's time for our new mission."

Ben followed as well, but he was confused about why Poe would include him in the mission. Surely they didn't need any help with the First Order; they already had everything they needed!

Finn stood with Poe and Rose, staring at a computer console that held the information they had managed to decrypt. Finn found himself fidgeting with impatience. A few strides away, C-3PO and R2-D2 were similarly troubled.

"Artoo, have you heard?" C-3PO asked suddenly, "There will be new missions, and I'm going as one of them. And you will come too."

R2-D2 chirruped in clear frustration, telling C-PO that he didn't want to go.

"What do you mean, you don't want to? Of course, you will, like the old good times." C-3PO insisted.

"There!" Poe pointed as information started to flash across the console screen, showing diagrams— maps of the Unknown Regions, codes, and more data. Finn exchanged an excited glance with his friend. Then both turned and faced Rey, Ben, and the rest of the Resistance.

"Everything we ever wanted to know about the Sith's Soulstone and the Emperor's clone, we have decrypted. Except what exactly is the use of that stone, and where we can find it." Poe added, frustrated. "You see these atmo. Readings, we are having trouble making sense of them. That's why we need any information you two have."

Finn nodded his support as he looked at Rey and Ben, "You must know more, and for us to finalize these missions, we need that information."

Rey leaned closer and took a look. She remembered what she had once read about the Sith's Soulstone in Luke's texts, but there had not been enough information. "I read that the Sith called it the Black Stone and that most of their masters tried to find a way to use it, but they always failed." She shrugged an apology.

"That's not enough," Poe sighed, "How can we fight something we don't know how to find?" He turned and faced Ben, hoping that the former Sith geek would know more about the stone.

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