Act 77: EPILOGUE:: The wedlock of Ben Solo & Rey

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction (slow-burn)

Author's Note:

I believe this was one of the chapters we all were waiting for. There are a few more moments I would like to add between Rey and Ben. ^_^ Enjoy!


「Act 77: The wedlock of Ben Solo & Rey

Ajan Kloss, 38 ABY

Marriage was never about a ring or a paper signed. It was not something endured but savored. The unique union of two hearts beating as one, each that would sacrifice for the other's happiness and well-being. Marriage was a blessing given to one another, an eternal bond.

It would be a midsummer wedding in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset against the top of the Resistance Base. At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine-scented candles hung from naked tree branches. Spread down the aisle were white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when stepped on them.

Resistance workers were running up and down, making sure every detail was set. Long tables and chairs dressed in white, meat, vegetables, and fruit were decorated along with the tables. Wine and beverages were placed across the long tables. After the wedding ceremony, a big fest would be held with food and music.

Rey held the wedding bouquet ready for the ceremony, as her hands twinged with sweat. She was nervous. Incredibly so. However, Rey acted cool and calm all week long. She organized every detail of her wedding with Ben. She was ready and happy for their wedding ceremony. Yet, now a few more moments before the wedding, everything changed. Her heart ran like crazy and could not be stopped. Her eyebrows frowned in worry and impatience. She glanced at the bouquet, ready to keep well away from the plants, which were still beautifully deadly. They carried an otherworldly trance.

She gulped.

She could see flowers too many times; she could never get tired of their sweet fragrance. Each one was a delicate bloom, no matter if it was a formal garden or a wasteland. Their petals were light works of art, and their hues were medicine for her soul. Her wedding bouquet was not any different. People told tales about how rare flowers grew like weeds in the gardens; mint green jade vines with their unique claw-shaped flowers bloomed among the rich, deep colors. Rey's bouquet was made of such unique flowers, as special and glamorous as hers.

"I don't want to go!" Rey boldly announced as she stepped away and handed the bouquet to Rose, who was visiting because of the wedding. After the ink had dried on the certificate, the only thing missing was their wedding ceremony for Ben and Rey to be married.

"What do you mean, 'you don't want to go'?" Rose hissed as she stood next to Rey, holding the bouquet. She was listening to Rey's outcry all day long. Her mind was dizzy, and she was ready to hurt her. "Rey. It's your wedding day. You have to show up." she cried out.

Rey rolled her eyes and sat down on the armchair nearby, crossing her legs. "No! I am not showing up and admitting that I'm marrying Ben!" she complained like a child.

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