Act 48: Never tell the odds!

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Falcon, 36 ABY

Rey hurried over to the Falcon's main area, which was no more than a cleared space in the middle of Falcon surrounded by a few couches. She stopped short when she saw Poe sitting there, and her heart clenched. Remembering Ben's memories, she saw Poe lashing Ben; the image was vivid inside her mind. What had Poe done?

Poe himself sat up as he noticed Rey rushing towards him and Ben following her. Rey's annoyance and Ben's half-naked appearance alerted Poe, who jumped up and came face-to-face with Rey. "Hey!" he said with a puzzled look in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Hey!" Rey answered back, "I heard about Jakku."

"Really," Poe said, "What about Jakku?" He looked at her and then Ben, who looked at Poe apologetically. He didn't expect all of the memories to reach Rey; he felt so relaxed and granted her full access.

"What did you do to Ben in Jakku?" Rey quizzed, irritated, glaring at Poe.

"What did you do to Ben now?" he retorted and pointed at Ben.

"What did she do?" he mumbled to himself, confused as Ben gazed at himself, noting that he was still wearing only the towel around him. "Perfect, this odd day was getting worse."

"Ben's in a lot better shape now than he was in Jakku?" Rey shouted and narrowed her eyes, taking a step towards Poe. "Tell me what happened?"

"You tell me, first!" Poe threw back at her.

And Ben was now only watching those two arguing about him, and he wasn't sure anymore if they made sense. He shook his head, thinking that was the reason he didn't want to tell Rey about Jakku and what Poe had to do there.

Rey pocked Poe's shoulder and tried to keep her anger from rising, "You know what you are?"

"What?" Poe asked back, curious now of her answer.

"You're difficult," Rey said, trying her best not to unleash against him. "You're really difficult to talk with. Why did you whip Ben in Jakku?"

"I got him back, didn't I?" said Poe. "That's the important part!"

Rey's eyes widened as she heard Poe's reactions. "You ended up lashing him after he saved you because some thieves told you so?" Rey said, and her tone came out more accusing than she intended.

"I know," Poe defended himself, "I was there, and it was my only option!"

"You can't simply whip people, Poe. For whatever the reason," Rey said, unable to stop herself. How could Poe take that kind of risk with Ben? Besides, how dare he touch her friend? "Have you seen his scars? And how exhausted he was when he returned in the Resistance Base!"

"Actually, it turned out you can," Poe said, unblinking, without overthinking his response.

Ben rolled his eyes as they both ignored him and were arguing like he wasn't even there. He finally had enough and stepped between them, pulling Rey away from Poe. "Rey, he had to. If he didn't, the Line Breakers properly would have beaten us both, or worse. You know how things work in Jakku!" Ben tried to reason with her.

Poe nodded, "Bad news is what had happened; I didn't have a choice!"

Rey felt her frustration build. She understood what Poe and Ben had been through and how ill things could be in Jakku. But still, she needed them to grasps that it wasn't acceptable what they both agreed to go through. She lifted her arms in disbelief. "I can't figure you out! You are both lost cases!" Rey gave up and stepped back.

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