Act 27: The Dark Enemy of the Unknown World

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Disclaimers: All rights reserved of the original "Star Wars" Characters, Names, Places, etc., to George Lucas / Disney. I pledge to return all characters after the story is complete.

Warning: Major Spoilers of TRoS.

Note: This is a Reylo FanFiction. 

Author's Note:

Greetings, please allow me once more to devote one small chapter to the Enemy. I should slowly get familiar with what our heroes will be fighting with. I just don't want to spoil everything. I revealed most of the enemy's background. But there is one more detail hidden. And it will be revealed when the time is right.

「Act 27: The Dark Enemy of the Unknown World

Unknown, 36 ABY

Much that once was, is now lost, for none now live who remembered the ancient Darkness. The Galaxy had forgotten its viciousness, the known worlds changed, and the only remaining energy field was defined as the Force. The Force was called Ashla by the Lasats; It by the Dianoga Omi; the Mustafarians knew it as The Life Current; the Chiss called it The Sight; the Zeffo spoke of a Life Wind, and the Luminous Mist was what the Mist-Weavers remembered.

The Force is created by life, and therefore, it resides in all lifeforms. It is especially powerful in a select group of individuals gravitating toward both sides, the Light and the Dark. These individuals were then deemed Force-sensitive by their peers and were capable of consciously sensing the Force. With this consciousness of the Force came the ability to harness it, accessing various superhuman abilities.

The Force, as a recorded concept, has existed for well over twenty-five thousand years. However, there had once been another Ancient Dark Energy that a few had ever conquered. That Dark Matter was lost in the Unknown Regions for as long as the Galaxy could remember. The First Sith drew on some of its energy to aid them in boosting their power. After that, it was long forgotten through time.

Last was set the name of Delkor, he who arose in the Night. But that name was chosen by him, as his real one remained hidden through the years. He escaped in the Northern parts of the Galaxy's Unknown Regions, and not much is known about him. The Unknown North suffered from his malice, and they will not utter his name; there, he is known as the Dark Enemy of the Unknown World. He decrypted the powers and the knowledge of all the others, The Jedi, and the Sith, turned them to evil purposes, and squandered his strength in violence and tyranny. For he was—and still is—desiring the kingship of the forgotten Dark Energy and the domination over the realms, worlds, and planets.

He came from a Force-sensitive bloodline, one that had fallen due to his arrogance and contempt for all things to save himself. He had turned away from what was right and good and followed his own will; he became a liar, a killer, and a hideous being without shame. When he was young, he had desired the Light, but when he found that he could not possess it for himself alone, he descended through fire and wrath down into the Darkness. He used the Dark Side of the Force most in his evil doings.

Yet so great was the power of his uprising that in ages he found out there was a way to will the Dark Matter and that Energy could be obtained with the Sith's Soulstone. The Black Stone remained for years in the Sith possession, though none of the Sith Lords knew how to use its power until today. Delkor rose like a shadow and ghost of that forsaken Dark Matter, and he started walking towards the unknown ruinous path down into the Void, planning to rise from his own ashes into a being much more powerful than any Sith or Jedi had ever been.

Delkor escaped to the Unknown Regions of the North when he was only a young adult. He remained lost in the darkness of the unknown, almost sure that he had reached his doom and was no longer alive.

However, when all hope was gone, he discovered a new world, a long-forgotten kingdom in the Northern Unknown Regions, Eanor. He appeared in the city, and he managed to weasel his way into the King's high court. With powers as dark as Delkor possessed, he soon wrought the King's doom, banishing him. He rebelled against the King and became the ruler in his name.

Delkor was a master of words, and his tongue had great power over the darkness, and he made use of that power. It didn't take long before the King's own Court supported him. He claimed the Kingship of all Eanor. In Eanor, he started plotting to obtain the highest power in the known and unknown Galaxy. His power was increased as he slowly was involved in dark acts. His terror slowly spread through Eanor, and it affected every living thing.

He built his new castle in the Mountain of Terror, and none dared pass through it. There, life and light were strangled, and there, all waters were poisoned. A dark creature came to life and multiplied in the darkness as the green of the planet slowly was lost. His power only grew as he took the nine lords of the King's Court, and he offered them nine small stones, which were filled with darkness and death; they haunted the nine lords and brought them to their doom. Darkness and power rose inside them, and they became his guard. Now the nine are soulless creatures bound to Delkor's will. In Eanor, they guard the mountain of Terror using rusted creatures that fly to protect their Lord and his mountains.

Delkor found the vessels to connect with the Ancient Darkness, but he could never reach his full prospect without the Sith's Soulstone. It took him years to learn most of the secrets of the Sith' Soulstone. The Black Stone cannot be destroyed by any means. It can only be burned and undone inside the Mountain of Terror, as it was first created. That was the main reason Delkor built his castle in the Mountain of Terror. Also, the Black Stone can unleash darkness, and pain and send anyone who touches it to his or her death. Only someone familiar with the Dark matter can bend it to his/her will. That is the reason why the Sith Lords kept it hidden.

Eanor is no more the planet that it used to be. Now there is only darkness and evilness. Its inhabitants had slowly turned into ugly, evil creatures who only obeyed their lord. The only part that had changed lately was that Delkor had reached out and contacted the Emperor. Because Palpatine was one of the few, who knew where the Sith's Soulstone was hidden, the Emperor proposed that two vessels of darkness would journey together before he would reveal the secret. And that's how everything started.

It seemed that Palpatine after he found out that his granddaughter was lost and his son killed, created one more clone. Once again, the clone was a success, and it was a clone of his grandchild; he named her Dark Rey. Wanting to have a return plan if the new plan would be destroyed, he sent Dark Rey to Eanor. Delkor accepted the clone, and the Emperor taught her well. Dark Rey was raised as the Dark Lady who was now part of the Sith and part of Eanor. It didn't take her along, and she became part of Delkor's soldiery. A far darker individual than Palpatine had planned.

Once more, he had lost one of his clones, and this time Dark Rey united her power with Delkor, and they became a couple and the rulers of Eanor. The Dark Energy that dwells in them is more powerful than anything the Galaxy has ever known. But without the Sith's Soulstone, they are doomed to remain trapped in Eanor. Dark Rey had tried many times to connect with the Force and reach Rey. And she almost managed it in Kef Bir moon of Endor, when Rey was looking for the Wayfinder. But the connection was soon lost, and Dark Rey didn't have the resources to create such a connection ever again.

「 Upcoming Chapter: Act Twenty - Eight」

More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

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