Act 43: Shapeless Concerns

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Falcon, 36 ABY

Threepio walked down the corridor with his shorter companion; Artoo glanced at Threepio, who was steadying himself against a corridor wall. Their friends had returned from Yavin 4 and had found Omii there. The Falcone was flying in hyperspace, but the team had split inside the Falcone, and no one talked.

Ben jumped into the pilot seat without even looking around, and Chewie followed. Rey disappeared in the back corridors of the ship, Poe informed the Resistance, and Finn climbed down in the cargo unit.

"They've shut down ... no reactions at all," Threepio said as he noticed the group of four returning and avoiding talking and even looking at each other. His voice was full of disbelief and concern as that of any human.

Artoo did not comment immediately, the droid had lost too many friends during the years, and their new friends' reactions meant only one thing, rising danger. A series of shorts beeps were finally heard, and Threepio understood what he meant.

"Madness, this is madness." He shook his head slowly. "This time, we'll be killed for sure. We don't know what dangers are hiding in the Imperial Palace!"

Artoo chirped, annoyed that he should be more positive and not freak out that easily. They had faced so many dangers already through all those years, and they were still alive.

"Yes, I suppose you are right." Threepio admitted, "But what are we going to do now? I can't believe we don't have a plan, and we will land on the Imperial Palace and look for a stone."

Artoo beeped again, trying to comfort his friend. Threepio was always complaining even if their missions were easy. The small droid kept walking down the corridor and beeping, ensuring Threepio that everything would be alright.

Poe was amused by the news that Rose told him; the Resistance was able to pull out a great stand and take down the First Order's last ships. He was right to trust Rose; that girl had so many possibilities. But she wasn't lucky at all; of all the people she could meet on this mission, she managed to cross paths with General 'Hugs'. Well, one more spy to help them. He thought, but he canceled his thought immediately as he forgot that maybe 'Hugs' wouldn't want to work for the Resistance now.

That wasn't a problem he had to worry about at the moment. Their new mission to locate the Sith's Soulstone was, for now, their new perceiving threat. Since they weren't aware of what type of dangers they would face in the Imperial Palace. Thoughts raced through his mind, and he stood up, trying to make them stop.

Too late, too slow, he told himself as his inner voice brought new worries to life. He sighed and took a few steps away from the communications board. Poe took a deep breath; he had too many responsibilities since Leia made him acting General. He was accountable for too many lives. It wasn't his fault; he kept telling himself.

Mistakes happen, and people die, but dying under his command was a price he couldn't easily pay. For an ordinary person, no matter how strong they thought themselves, failing was an option. But he was supposed to be the acting General, and people trusted him with their lives. Indeed there was no shame in failure, as long it didn't cost human lives.

He didn't much care what might happen to him; he could always find a way to keep fighting. But his friends and the Resistance had a heavier value to him than himself. He could be expendable, but his friends and the Resistance never. He was not sure why thoughts like those were troubling him at the moment.

They won against the First Order and the Final Order, the Emperor was dead, and the Sith were gone. He was allowed to relax and enjoy that victory. But Poe didn't. Indeed after their victory over Exegol, he celebrated with everyone else. But the next day, he was up again working for the Resistance.

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