Act 2: Prologue::The Rise of Kylo Ren

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The secret side of me, I never let you see

I keep it caged, but I can't control it.

So stay away from me; the beast is ugly.

I feel the rage, and I can't hold it.


I feel it deep within; it's just beneath the skin.

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I've become; the nightmare's just begun.

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

Skillet - Monster

He was the grandson of Darth Vader. Young Solo was unaware of his true lineage. His parents had made the difficult decision to conceal this truth for his safety, intending to reveal it when he reached a more mature age. At twenty-three years old, he remained oblivious to his grandfather's true identity, often grappling with a sense of self-uncertainty. Under the guidance of his Master and uncle, Jedi Luke Skywalker, he had undergone years of training. Aware of Anakin Skywalker's troubled history, Luke chose to withhold the knowledge from Ben. Perhaps, if he were to learn of Vader's redemption and the rekindling of Anakin's inner light, it would safeguard him from succumbing to the allure of the Dark Side.

Regrettably, the truth remained concealed, and young Solo was left uninformed. Within the confines of the Jedi Temple, he was often overlooked, residing alongside his uncle, who had been entrusted with his Jedi training. Yet, the knowledge of his lineage continued to elude him, casting a shadow over his path towards becoming a Jedi. The only son of Rebel Alliance heroes Leia Organa and Han Solo, and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's nephew and protégé, Ben Solo, had the potential to be a great force for light the galaxy.

But not any longer.

As Ben awoke to find Luke standing over him, poised to deliver a fatal blow, the weight of the Skywalker legacy loomed heavily upon him. The allure of the dark side proved irresistible, fueled by the lingering shadow cast by his lineage. Having Darth Vader's blood flowing through his veins, young Solo found himself besieged by conflicting voices from his past and future, each vying to dictate his true identity. Snoke, a formidable presence, awaited his allegiance, while the mysterious knights of Ren stood in anticipation. Amidst this internal turmoil, Ben's very being shattered and underwent a transformative process, ultimately revealing his destined path.

Snoke, master of manipulation, began employing his insidious tactics to seduce Ben to the dark side. The puppet of the Emperor skillfully penetrated Ben's mind, exploiting his vulnerabilities. Playing on Ben's deep-rooted insecurities and the weight of perceived expectations, Snoke nurtured his feelings of inadequacy, urging him not to deny his true nature. He cunningly suggested that if Ben desired acceptance and instruction from the Knights of Ren, he should adopt a new name, shedding the remnants of his past. Moreover, Snoke insinuated that by wholeheartedly embracing the dark side, one could attain the pinnacle of authenticity, becoming their truest self.

The Emperor's scheme to lure Ben Solo into the clutches of the Dark Side was meticulously calculated, capitalizing on strategic timing and exploiting Ben's moments of vulnerability. Recognizing the potential he held, the Emperor manipulated Ben by offering assistance in embracing his authentic identity when he was at his lowest point. With his granddaughter gone and his son's demise, the Emperor recognized that his surest path to power lay with Ben Solo. It was after Ben defended himself against Luke Skywalker that the Emperor's plan gained a firm footing, paving the way for further manipulation and the deepening of Ben's descent into darkness.

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